Yes, and we should do more to stop China from collecting data on our citizens
No, but there should be more age restrictions on social media apps
No, only ban the use on government issues phones
No, this is a violation of free speech

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No, require TikTok to disclose "Your data will be collected and stored in China" and let the users decide.


no you shouldnt ban it but there should be an age restriction of 16 and older and make sure kids/young children understand the bad sides of social media. E.g more education about social media in schools


No but we should use the platform to message human rights, values, ideologies, and truths that are messages for Chinas consumption, paid and presented by Nz government. Tik Tok - the new United Nations.


Only if it is a ban on any app or platform collecting data for non-commercial purposes (i.e cannot be sold, given or somehow received by a government/intelligence agency)


No, but there should be more education about what data is being collected and where it is going


no but there should be more laws in place that regulate how companies mine data

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