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 @9FR4FRPGreen disagreed…7mos7MO

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The government has no right to enforce a medical paradigm on all people regardless of their world view nor force people to take drugs against their will.


Agree. People should have the autonomy to make their own medical decisions without enforcement that results in penalty within society. This is in accordance with the Bill of Rights.

 @9FVNXQSDemocracyNZ disagreed…7mos7MO

This is a human rights and informed consent issue. Informed consent is a right of all New Zealanders and informed consent is not hounding a person until they choose the option you want nor is it punishing them for not choosing your option!! Informed consent is giving a person all the information available then allowing them to choose uncoersed the option that best suits them. If your vaccination works then why do I need to have it if I choose not to??


Any lesson in history will tell you that if we take away freedom of choice, we step onto a very slippery slope towards communism and disaster.


People should have a choice in what they choose to do with their bodies unless what they have is contagious and deadly which the vaccine can prevent.

 @9G5FNLJ disagreed…7mos7MO

Vaccinations should not be mandatory because it is a basic human write and many people have their own perspective on things


It is crucial to consider the wider community's health. For instance, polio was once a major health concern causing paralysis and death, but thanks to mandatory vaccination, it's now nearly eradicated globally. If everyone were to make individual decisions based on personal beliefs, such successful eradication of diseases might not be possible. What would be your solution to protect the broader population, especially those who can't get vaccinated due to medical reasons, without mandatory vaccination policies?


Vaccinations should not be compulsory because there are always side effects and individuals can react differently. Also it is not necessarily true to say that a particular vaccine is effective when sometimes it will take a long period of time to find out if this is really the truth or not. Mandating things causes a lot of trouble because people don't like to be forced into things and many have their own views on these things. In the case of covid we know that the vaccine didn't stop people from getting covid or transmitting it yet people who didn't get the vaccine were blame…  Read more

 @9G6K774 disagreed…7mos7MO

The government should never mandate any medical treatment. Doing so furthers distrust of both government and the medical industry. There is no way any governing body is able to assess a treatments suitability for each and every person. This is a decision to be made by the individual. If a medical treatment truly is ‘safe and effective’ you won’t have to force it to be taken. The proof will be in the pudding if you will.


People shouldn’t be such idiots and they wouldn’t have to do it. But I think a lot more research needs to go into some with medical issues being mandated as there’s usually a good reason why they aren’t being vaccinated.

 @9G6K774 commented…7mos7MO

Just because someone has a different world view than you doesn't make them an idiot.. Be a better person.


Lifes depend on selfish people taking a very small risk for the greater good. As such, mandates are the only option.

 @9G6K774 commented…7mos7MO

Lives depend on the freedom for individuals to make their own decisions around the medical treatments the receive.

'very small risk' - this is relative depending on individual.

Don't label anyone 'selfish'. You don't know the reasons for the decisions they make.


Mandatory vaccinations for school entry have helped eradicate diseases like smallpox and polio. Moreover, vaccinations don't just protect the individual; they also protect the community through herd immunity. This helps safeguard those who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. So, in situations where personal decisions can significantly impact others' health, perhaps some level of government intervention is justifiable? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this balance between individual rights and public health.

 @9G6K774 commented…7mos7MO

Hi, good discussion to have. The individual should assess

the suitability of any medical procedure and its effects for their own

situation, part of which is their potential impact on the health of others. Whatever

conclusion the individual decides on should be respected and understood. The Government

can recommend treatments, but they should be held accountable if said treatment

is not as they say ‘safe & effective’. In retrospect the COVID vaccines (unlike

perhaps the smallpox and polio you mention), were not as safe and certainly not

as effective as we were told. Mandating such a treatment negatively impacts

trust in both Government and the medical field.


No, everyone should have the right to choose whats put into their body. People should be educated about vaccinations and the manufacturing of them, then make an educated decision.

 @9G6J25DFreedoms New Zealanddisagreed…7mos7MO

Everyone has the right to choose!
People have different perspectives because everyone has walked a different path in life. Values and beliefs all differ so is


The government has no right to force individuals to take a vaccine. They have not been properly tested and there are numerous cases of vaccine injuries being swept under the carpet. It’s all about profit! Leave us alone!! If your vaccines are so efficient, nobody who is vaccinated should be worried that they will catch the disease from the unvaccinated. How moronic! It is disgraceful how the unvaccinated were treated!!!


I believe that this is a medical freedom issue and that individuals should gave the right to choose or refuse treatment. Mandating vaccines during the Covid Pamdemic was a massive overstep and in hindsight there is a great deal of evidence that benefits were overstated and risks understated.

 @9G5WC6RNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…7mos7MO

No, I don’t think vaccines should be made mandatory that doesn’t follow basic human rights at all. And I don’t really trust whatever’s in your vaccines.


Freedom of choice, there are always risks involved whether severe or not and some people should have the right to make that choice themselves.


This is a human rights and informed consent issue. Informed consent is a right of all New Zealanders and informed consent is not hounding a person until they choose the option you want nor is it punishing them for not choosing your option!! Informed consent is giving a person all the information available then allowing them to choose uncoersed the option that best suits them.


It's your choice to have the vaccines or not but if you do have a vaccine then you have killing the people that can't have the vaccine


Medical intervention is a personal choice. Not a governments, especially when the vacinne was mandated using black mail. The vacinne mandated by the global governments have an extremely poor safety record and are not very effective. Any opposing view last time has been quashed and ridiculed which has and is an ongoing disgrace. It has caused a very decisive subject matter and caused irreparable damage to the trust of the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

 @9G262WC disagreed…7mos7MO

Look at what vaccine mandates during the Covid 19 outbreak did to tear apart our society. Now apply that to children, it will tear us apart on a whole new level. The benefits do not outweigh the costs to NZ society at all.


Darwin’s theory pf evolution and the dumb ones don’t survive, the ones that refuse to be vaccinated will slowly die off leaving the smarter educated to flourish


Why should the government be the dictator of a persons basic human right which is the choice to what they allow into their own body

 @9G5JPTRNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…7mos7MO

Everyone should have their own right to choose medical choices for their body. There is no one medicine that ‘fits all’ and the current vaccine has caused devastating side affects


People should have the autonomy to make their own medical decisions without enforcement that results in penalty within society. This is in accordance with the Bill of Rights.


It should be encouraged not mandatory, more time needs to be put into educating people so they can make an informed decision for themselves


No, people should be able to choose what they put in their own body and more information should be shared of natural alternatives.

 @9G49SBXNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…7mos7MO

It is a basic human right to be able to choose what we put in our bodies. The government has no right to enforce or mandate anyone. When the government are being informed by the WHO scientists that are paid for by big Pharma we always need to have the freedom to ask questions. Effectively we are paying Big Pharma billion dollar profits so we must be able to ask questions and have the choice to decide for ourselves. As we are all aware children don't get severe covid symptoms and vaccinations do not prevent transmission. So vaccinations should never be forced. The people need to also be…  Read more


The government has no right to enforce a medical paradigm on all people regardless of their world view nor force people to take drugs against their will.


The government has no right to enforce a medical paradigm on all people regardless of their world view nor force people to take drugs against their will.


You cannot in any way force any person to undergo any medical procedure by duress within any factor of their lives, be it their right to remain employed, their right to travel freely and their right to attend public gatherings.

 @9G32SH6New Conservativedisagreed…7mos7MO

Personal choice is a must. Everyone’s body is different, you cannot force medicine on people it’s not right


I don’t believe Vaccines should be mandated, I think everyone has the right to make a decision for themselves and should be respected. But in saying that I believe businesses owners or individuals should also be respected if they don’t allow people that are not vaccinated into their premises, respect and rights go both ways


Every human being should have the right to make health decisions for their own bodies, and children should remain under the choices made by their own parents.


No one should be forced to vaccinate under any circumstances. Everyone should have the right to do as they please with their own body!

 @9FWZ6ZDNew Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

People have the right to control what happens to their own bodies, and have the right to decide what is best for their own children. It is each individual’s decision to make. A vaccine is not something people should be forced into.


Each person should be given the opportunity to choose whats best for them personally. If they are not given a choice how is it different to rape?


I am the only person or entity that has full rights over what I have in my body. This is an overstep of power and a breach of human rights.


The government has no right to enforce a medical paradigm on all people regardless of their world view nor force people to take drugs against their will.


Vaccinations have not helped the prevention of the spread of covid and it should be a personal choice to inject any chemical into your body!!!


Free people have different religions and own choices to say what is put in their own bodies. Governments should not have total control over their citizens bodies.
Is our own body owned by the government?

 @9G2LN38from California disagreed…7mos7MO

We did mandatory vaccinations and there has been absolutely no data on how effective it was. By the time poeple were vaccinated the variant had significantly decreased in it's danger level. People deserve freedom to choose and in no way should we alienate them if they decide not to. We should encourage healthy lifestyle practices first, building our immune systems up naturally. I do believe people over 55 should get vaccinated if they're concerned for their life.


I believe that this is a medical freedom issue and that individuals should gave the right to choose or refuse treatment. Mandating vaccines during the Covid Pandemic was a massive overstep and in hindsight there is a great deal of evidence that benefits were overstated and risks understated.

 @9G49SBXNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…7mos7MO

I will not be dictated to by Big Pharma to inform me of my own health decisions when they stand to make trillion dollar profits from us. There have been no long term studies on the Covid vaccines and they were only rushed through by the emergency stance. There is well documented adverse reactions to vaccines so people need to have freedom of choice.


The government can not take away people’s choice over what they put into their own bodies. Vaccinations are not risk free therefore should not be forced to be taken!


The government has no right to enforce a medical paradigm on all people regardless of their world view nor force people to take drugs against their will.

Copied and pasted from another post. Bang on


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