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No but hold parent accountable for costs to healthcare system if children contract the disease


No Never remove the right to accept or decline a medical procedure after being fully informed of risks and benefits


yes, but not to those whose religious beliefs forbid it, or if the kid has a bad reaction to vaccines as has happened before.


No, it should be optional, but provide more education for parents so they're fully informed


No, never. There is not enough of a guarantee that the current ingredients are safe


it's up to the parents, maybe the child could make their own choice once they turn 14-16


Yes, unless there is a medical reason why the child should not or a religious reason.


No, but should do more to educate about importance of vaccines and counter miss-information.


Not to children that have compromised health issues like dietary. And there should be an option on what they can vac or not.


In my opinion, no. It's their choice since it's their child. But then they must live with the consequences of that choice and be mindful and responsible with their child around other children and members of the public.


The government should provide getting a vaccination for children but if their parents don't agree they should not have to and they would risk their children's health.


I want to include two of the answers. Yes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines, and: No, but hold parents criminally liable for transferring deadly diseases to other children.

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The vaccine of children and superior by adults independent child left wings legend former UK prime minister Boris Johnson hoping stands up for unions supporters straight wings


if the trust was there too actually having complete faith and belief in what the vaccination is going to add to every individual. and that is near impossible.


No, but parents should have to cover the increased medical costs if their child does acquire one of these preventable diseases


No, but highly recommend it. Offer testing for parents who are concerned that their kids will react badly - pretending that allergic reactions to vaccines don't happen doesn't help anyone


I think the government should be more balanced in their approach to this. I’m fine with being vaccinated but for those who aren’t there is too much information out there.


I think that Children need protection and that it should be available but children most in need with weaker immune systems should be prioritised.


No, freedom of choice to protect and raise our children without being penalised by lack of schooling or funding


no because you cant force the parents to make their child get vaccinated it that will be a dictatorship


No, but some curtailment of usual freedoms may be necessary. These should be timebound and regularly reviewed.


Yes but only for deadly contagious disease and with an exception of those whose religion forbids use of vaccines.


I think it should be up to the parents in question, because how they raise their kids is their prerogative. But a premium rate should be paid at the doctors if they don’t vaccinate their kids.



only for deadly diseases but if you are religious or forbid use vaccines. you also need parent permission.


Yes but not for children who have an allergy to vaccine ingredients or are medically compromised

 @9DT6NHCNew Conservativeanswered…1yr1Y

Yes - only for those that have been thoroughly researched over a period of time. Unlike the Covid vaccine which I don’t think has been given nearly enough time to research its risks.


Yes only if they're deadly but people with religious beliefs don't have too.


Vaccination is best. Parents choice but they need to be aware their children maybe rejected from certain places if they are not vaccinated.


Vaccinating is best. Parent's choice but if vaccination records are required the parents of unvaccinated children shouldn be offended if their child is not able to attend certain places like schools or other places.


No this is a parents choice. Politicians or law enforcement should stay out of parent’s raiseing their children unless there is proven physical, sexual or mental abuse involved.


No, but must be a requirement for public school attendance, additional funds towards informational campaigns and criminal liability for parents who choose not to vaccinate and transmit a deadly disease onto other children.


No, but we should be looking to increase people's understanding of how vaccines work, and what's in a vaccine so that they will make the decision to vaccinate their kids themselves


Yes, where vaccination is not likely to cause an adverse reaction in the child


No NO NO BECAUSE what if your terrufied of needles the goverment needs to take care of everyone not just a few

 @9DD8B9CNew Conservativeanswered…1yr1Y

No. People should have the right to choose to vaccinate or not. And no social pressures either way.


Yes, but only for vaccinations that are not mRNA and have long term studies/ data of their effect on people


No, every parent has the right to make the medical decisions for their own child. Immunisations don’t stop children from getting these diseases.


 @9D8XDW9New Conservativeanswered…1yr1Y

It should be encouraged but be up to the caregiver if the child receives ornot. After 14 years old, if not vaccinated, child can choose


Yes, but with exceptions for those who have adverse effects or have personal belief systems which forbit the use of vaccines.


No, every parent should have the right to make those decisions for their children


No but if these children become infected and require medical treatment they should be at the bottom of the list behind people who have been vaccinated and the parents should be held financially accountable


No, but if unvaccinated, schools/daycares should have the right to expect unvaccinated children to stay home during outbreak


No people have the right to choose but it should highly recommended and people should be informed



 @9G5SQJBNew Zealand Loyalanswered…1yr1Y

Absolutely not! The studies are conclusive Higher vaccination rates higher rates Of autism. Children aren’t healthier due to vaccines they’re sicker and have more allergies than ever before


Any Medicle Procedure should be at the choice of the person choosing to consent or not or a trusting executor of the consenting person


No, but parents take liability for their child’s health and unvaccinated children can be omitted from public schools, kindergartens etc at times of risk


No, but I think it should be optional for those who would like it, or those who are in need of it or will need it in the future.


No, its the parent/s choice, but if the parent/s choose 'No' then they should not eligible for public funding if childs gets sick to preventable illnesses.


It is a personal choice. No vaccine should be mandatory at all, but people should be given an unbiased and unifluenced opinion on the vaccine.


Yes as long as the government keeps up to date with emerging science and prepared to change accordingly.

 @9G48467New Zealand Loyalanswered…1yr1Y

Not required, but provide an abundance of information from research papers and scientific studies that highlight benefits, pros/cons, reasons to get or not to get the vaccines. Highly contagious diseases should be vaccinated for.


No, this should be an individual choice however if the disease is in the school/kura community unvaccinated children should have to stay home to prevent the spread and to protect the unvaccinated community

 @9G3CN39 answered…1yr1Y

ACC should cover vax injuries. This would instill more faith in the public with the safety of vaccines. Unless the government is prepared to cover injuries as a result of vaccines they’re in no position to force them on the public.


Mandatory choice: parents should be required to vaccinate or show that they have chosen not to in order to attend public school


Yes, but there should be exceptions for children with health issues whose lives could be at risk from a vaccination


if they can get a vaccine and dont have allergies, or something that would hamr their immune system then they should be able to get the vaccine if they like to, or not.


Needs to be more options for individuals to choose. It seems too restrictive only based around Pharmacs limited approved medications


No, increase education about vaccines in schools so that people can make informed decisions about getting vaccinated


No, but hold parents accountable for the costs of treating their child if they fall sick with a preventable disease


Yes but only with vaccines that have at least a decade of prior use in the public before being government mandated

 @9FYCTWKNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

No It's the parents informed choice not the governments, Medical interventions are never a one size fits all approach.

 @9FXSDKZMāori answered…1yr1Y

No it should be an option instead of a requirement. Parents should also be educated on such vaccinations.


It's the parents choice and responsibility whether they want their children vaccinated. Vaccination should be free of charge and not a legal requirement


No but if they refuse the vaccination then don't use the public health service if affected by the disease


No, you cannot force people to get vaccinations - do better about the campaigning and information so people can make well informed decisions. Not all children can get all vaccinations and the pressure shouldn't be there like it was for Covid.


Yes for vacinations that have been through clinical trials. And then parents should have an informed choice


Require vaccines against deadly diseases/diseases that have potential to be fatal, in order to attend public school. Those who opt out of this public school requirement would have the legal obligation of homeschooling their child. The only exception to the school vaccine requirement would be if a person has had adverse effects & reactions/documented by a GP which mean it's not advised they have the vaccine.


No but have a recommended vaccine programme and report at what percentage community rate is along with any health vaccine trends. Then work out prevents people taking vaccines in a way that doesn't criminalise the family. Transparent reporting


I'm pro vaccinations. However understand parents hold strong views, and it's up to them to decide. We can't force people.


Strongly recommended but have personal choice. Increased education around evidence based health initiatives which benefit the population & ease pressure on the health system.


I think parents should be held accountable for transmitting diseases to other children BUT I am not confident that it will 100% accurate to tell where a child got a disease from.


i think it should be encouraged but not compulsory as people should be able to choose


Only with thorough investigation from multiple health organizations, including independent health organizations


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