Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men
No, women are not as physically capable as men for combat
Yes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory
No, men are more likely to risk the success of a mission in order to protect a women from danger
No, combat roles place women in a high risk situation for sexual assault

Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Women in Combat” has changed over time for 58.7k New Zealand voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Women in Combat” has changed over time for 58.7k New Zealand voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9J78RN2 answered…4mos4MO

Flags ups secular and harmed with personal Maoris gadgets less backwards is forwards clears pakeha yes save protection from women and men in danger


Fighting for the state and being conscripted for frontline duty should be considered for the right to vote


The fear of sexual assault reeks of the issues woman face when men use rape as a weapon in war. Address sexual assault.


Women should be afforded the same opportunities but must pass the tests and know all the in's and out's and what risk they face


Yes but they would have to have their periods managed (via appropriate birth control) otherwise they will be going through severe pains during combat.


Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests suited to woman