Yes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9F9DVTX answered…11mos11MO

Depends on the application, if it makes the plant inherently less susceptible to disease then I support it. If the purpose of the modification is to make it more resistant to pesticides then I disagree.

 @9G72CG9 answered…10mos10MO

Yes but not be able to patent seeds and require the lableling of foods that are genetically modified

 @9G6PC5G answered…10mos10MO

Yes, however more research should be done about the harmful effects. So far the concerns are allergies, cancer and environmental issues.


Yes but only if they are ethically distributed and grown and all foods are labelled and seeds are not patented.


I think gene modification plant to plant is good, but animal genes in plants is bad and should be labeled


Only if full research done to check food is safe for consumption and nutritional value is not reduced