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We need to sort the root if the issue , but not have environments that allow this behaviour to be easily accessible

 @9G34LF7Labour disagreed…6mos6MO

No it should not be classed as a health issue. They have done an illegal thing by taking drugs they should pay the consequences and this may help them decide if they wanna continue down this path or not.


Substance abuse or addiction, regardless of the legality of the substance, is oftentimes a symptom of, or a coping mechanism for, a past trauma, and a traumatised mind does not rationalise the way a healthy mind does. Jailing someone for substance abuse isn’t going to fix them because the root of the problem isn’t the addiction/abuse, it’s the trauma and trauma = mental health issue.


Depends what you're classing as a "Drug" and which "drug" you're talking about specifically in each case.

 @9FWYV2BNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…7mos7MO

Criminal and health issue together. We require strong deterrents from choosing to use drugs in the first place. But also unlimited support for those seeking to make a change.


People have a choice to partake or not. Make an intelligent decision or face ALL the outcomes and consequences of bad decisions. Don’t make bad decisions and then expect a handout.

 @9FXW8Z6New Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

Drug use is a choice, sobriety help is available and people are responsible for their choices and decisions. It is both a health issue(as it impacts their health ) and a criminal issue(as it is illegal and impacts those around them)


Depends on the drug. Cannabis should be legal due to proven medical abilities all the rest is criminal


It’s should be treated as a health issue but if crime was performed during drug use it should also be a criminal offence


Increasing access to drugs by decriminalization will only make them more widely accepted within society, bringing more detrimental effects than we already suffer from this scourge.


it should be treated as both, We are responsible for our actions, but also responsible to help others, Both are essential views to hold.


Drug use is a choice... health issues are not necessarly a choice. A person may end up with health issues due to drug use but that was still a choice they chose to make before there were any health issues. Every person should understand what is right and what is wrong. Taking drugs is a choice unless its forced into your system


I believe that Drug abuse turns to mental health issues if the issues were not already there. I believe in nipping it in the bud before it becomes out of control even death.


If drug abusers have committed crimes , jail time on a scale of seriousness eg petty theft vs assault with weapon and rehabilitation treatment enforced for all .


it would depend how and what they did while abusing the drugs and if someone tried to help the abuser


The government shouldnt spend money on these people. We all have choices. One should be responsible for the consequence of their decision.



Drug and alcohol abuse doesn't just effect the user; it effects the family and the community too.
Enabling destructive lifestyles is not helping people.

Drugs are hard enough to get off of without removing the incentive to get off them (negative personal consequences).


they should be forced to go to rehab and not be allowed any further drugs during that time until they have completed rehab, their choice afterwards wether they go back


Drug is drug. No one forced you to take it. If it is your choice to take illegal drug for pleasure, you bear the consequences. No tax payer should pay for your stupidity.


Places should be more available and safe for those with drug problems to get help. Not promote somewhere safe to do drugs.


I think drug use should be treated as a criminal issue and a health issue because they are breaking the law if they are using illegal drugs but they are also at a health risk if they are using them.


Disagree. Despite being illegal people use out of free choice, if it was legal more would probably indulge. It creates mental health issues and social issues, but they choose to partake of illegal substances so should face the legal consequences.


It is both, they should be criminally charged but during their sentence, they should be provided with health benefits to help them quit (compulsory).


Make it legal, charge tax then treat it as a health issue. Otherwise, it’s person choice and that persons responsibility of the consequences. Not the public’s problem.


People know the consequences of taking illicit drugs and if they still choose to take them, knowing that they are illegal, then it should be a criminal offence.


Having parented a foster child who has diagnosed brain based disabilities due to her birth mother drinking and taking drugs whilst pregnant. I challenge anyone to step into our lives as home for life parents over the last 13 will then see the massive waste and lack of these resources available to these young people. Her problems all stem from a drug and alcohol problem of her mother's. She is one of 9 in this family, 5 kids being removed by OT. The government pays for all 5 kids an unsupported child benefit, then the birth mother is in social housing and on a benefit.
Our child…  Read more


Drug abuse should always be considered a criminal issue because its a crime to obtain it in the first instance, let alone abusing it further aligns with criminal activity.


It started by personal choice (most of the cases) and will lead to criminal issue eventually. Please remember health issue refers to issues people didn't choose to have so I'm not convinced drug abuse can be categorized as health issues.


depends if the person has had history with mental illness or they have gotten addicted through medical reasons like pills or treatment.


Substance abuse needs to be treated as a health issue, addicts trying to overcome addiction or drug abuse end up in rehabilitation centres to help. People who use drugs and criminals are two different people.


As depression can cause a person to start using drugs to cope with their issues in life initially, it can lead to addiction (,increase%20the%20risk%20for%20addiction.) That’s what makes treatment in a safe place even more important. We do have such places in New Zealand such as but it would be great to see them all government-funded as many users will be from a lower socioeconomic demographic.


If it’s illegal it’s a criminal matter, but should be also treated as a health issues. Help with rehabilitation and drug psychosis and mental health.


It should be treated as a criminal issue because the country is so heavily dependant on drugs and it’s becoming such a bad habit and leading the children to do it too

 @9FL9GJDNew Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

Should be criminal we cannot afford the meds and treatment for people that become unwell such as some cancers etc so we should not give to people that choose to take drugs in the first place


Drugs are a health issue but a safe haven is a stupid idea as it does not help people with the drug health issue except giving them a safe place to use and fuel their addiction


It's a choice to take drugs the 1st time you take them you know that they are illegal and that there is a chance of addiction.


More people taking drugs because it is no longer illegal is not what the country needs. Because something is legal, it seems more appealing and is much easier to access. It is dangerous and should be a major criminal offence.


No, if someone has decided to use drugs then they are a criminal and should be placed into prison, where they can detox and ensure safety of others around them


You know that you shouldn't do drugs because you know the consequences... if your dumb enough to do it then you should suffer the consequences... yes get the help necessary to get better if you silly enough to get hooked..


Drug abuse can be and should be a serious crime in NZ. For one, only an individual with a criminal attitude.


Don't do drugs! You are slowly killing yourself, and if it makes you feel good and gets rid of your problems, get a therapist, they cost around the same and don't hurt your body and your mental health.


More people taking drugs because it is no longer illegal is not what the country needs. Because something is legal, it seems more appealing and is much easier to access. It is dangerous and should be a major criminal offence


Not a criminal issue if the person is willing to undertake treatment of a prescribed type and duration


No counter argument besides the fact that if they have a criminal record they should not be allowed treatment


It is a health issue when accidently used through peer pressure or similar things. However if they are addicted or are part of a gang producing drugs this should be a criminal issue.


Drug addiction is an illness and should be treated as such, criminal activities created by the use of the drug should be criminalised, but our focus should be on rehabilitation of these people.


Everybody makes mistakes, don’t they deserve a chance to clean themselves up through treating it as a health issue instead of criminalising them.


Health issues are biological health issues and drug abuse is self induced. Addictions should be treated as mental health issue as they usually stem from traumatic experiences.


Hammer them, drug supply and abuse is the core of most criminal offending, use the stick these clowns will walk all over society if we employ a soft approach


We need to sort the root if the issue , but not have environments that allow this behaviour to be easily accessible


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