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Yes, and re-evaluate drug laws. They’re outdated and don’t reflect what the research says.


As a country, we are already low on doctors and nurses and we want to provide for addicts?


I need further education on this to make a good suggestion, and I am unsure of the suggestions here within this page



I like the idea of this if it is used as a tool to advise and encourage users to seek treatments and advise... I would not want to see it be like a 'drug den'.

 @9WGQD3GNew Zealand Firstanswered…5mos5MO

No, decriminalise purchase for personal use but refer those caught by police to attend local addiction services recovery programme in lieu of a fine.


mutual, no because it would incourage drug use but instead of making people quit cold turkey help ween them off by going into rehab

 @9SHY2FDGreenfrom Shiga  answered…7mos7MO

I think yes but the institute should provide resources for quitting and try help the addictions, programs to help, counseling etc


No. There shouldn't be "safe havens" for illegal drug use. The law bans these drugs because they have been proven to be harmful and addictive. Drug addicts should not be allowed to continue.

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Flags up elderly and the mussel man's health problems over COVID hospital healthcare's assistant with possible sores and Rubby backs


Perhaps in a rehab setting where the doses will be reduced over time to safely wean someone off the drug.

 @9G6X65M answered…1yr1Y

Use these spaces to ensure safe drug use, while also encouraging a reduction in drug use and educating users on the dangers of these illegal substances. Treating this as a health issue rather than a criminal issue.

 @9G6V8V3Green answered…1yr1Y

Perhaps for marijuana and mushrooms, depending on the scale of which they use it for etc it should be fine for medicinal, relaxation, anxiety, to chill out. Other heaved drugs such has mdma, cocaine, and even heavier drugs such as meth and heroine should be illegal


I think that a safe haven for people who do drugs isn’t going to help them or their families if they have an addiction, rather than a safe haven to openly do drugs create a safe haven for them to slowly get off drugs by increasing time between each use, this will make coming of a drug easier as the harsh and immediate effect of withdrawal will not be as difficult and will give the body time to adjust while knowing they will get another high.


Who pays for the drs to be there and how many more people would stay there all day and what happens if they do it outside of this area what happens


Yes, but there needs to be a contract agreement in place. It should only be people willing to make change


Several questions: Is this literally just people shooting up, or do you have medical professionals offering a friendly atmosphere to offer help? The latter sounds better.
Is the point to help lower drug use and these people being a menace to society?


But there should also be an open policy to help those wanting to recover, without it being forced upon them


As a way of reducing dosage until they are non-dependent? They do this for anti-depressants etc. if this can’t be done then no.


Dealers should be hung in public as they ruin lives and the behaviour of these people hooking people on to drugs and the social demise it causes has to stop.


I think its a good idea for those who are struggling with drug addiction but I also think it promotes drug use to people who aren't struggling or want to try such as youth.


Yes, hire medical and psychological professionals to ween addicts off drugs, and don't provide the service for people who are not addicted


While I disagree with the use of drugs, I believe that a safe haven should be ONLY for addicts and that would need to be proven so no new addicts can be created. With medical professionals and guards and stuff supervising I think yes, it would be a better option for addicts to go to rather than the streets.


No but there should be more funding towards rehabilitation centres and medical help in relation to drug usage


No, but consider sanctuary/ aid for people at the big musical festivals to keep children who experiment safe. Educate society. Decriminalise use.


I believe in safe havens but I also believe in trying to rehabilitate people. Safe havens should offer both


Although I believe addicts should have a safe and clean place to use/be high, I believe we need better resources for rehabilitation and for services relating to mental health in order for people to not become addicts.


I support decriminalisation of drugs but not drug safe havens. Drug trafficking and dealing over certain amounts should stay criminal


Hmmm I think there should be a facility where drug addicts can go to safely wean off them under professional supervision


Drug use is often connected to mental health issues due to abuse so it should be considered a mental health issue and more funding provided to help with rehabilitation. Maybe in some circumstances have a service like this connected to a mental health / rehab service. But not a stand alone centre.


Multiple drugs helped save my life 1978. In life, I don't need any. Marijuana may be useful combating pain of metal on metal hip.


No, this would encourage drug users even more and decrease the health of people in NZ.


Yes, but they should be slowly taken off drugs so that they eventually have no addiction


I think they should definitely be availableto them but it needs to NOT be a sesh pad it NEEDS to provide help to the people in need. They need help and no one does anything but yet they just end up using on the street creating unsafe environments for everyone else.


Why would you put doctors in a room with drug addicts, or ban drugs over all? People should not have access to drugs at all. Also why would you use doctors in drug safe havens even when people with proper problems needs an available doctor.


I think drugs should be medical only, yet still be legalised so then people can go and receive help from medical professionals if needed.


I think it would be more beneficial to open places where drug users could get their drugs tested in a anonymous environment and be offered support and counselling

 @9FBB8VSOpportunities answered…2yrs2Y

No, but some method towards legalizing less socially impactful drugs should be taken

 @9FB6HBTOpportunitiesfrom British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes but they should aim to be supplied with alternative substances that are less harmful than the drug they are trying to wean themselves off


There definitely needs to be a look into ones health on how they got to that situation and look into the cause with ability to help


I think this would be a good way to reduce drug addiction but it would also make people continue the use of drugs


Yes, but legalise some and decriminalise other drugs. Make some drugs like meth illegal, opioids like fentanyl illegal. Modernise drug laws they are out of date. Create a progressive approach to classifying new drugs so they can be quickly vetted and made legal or illegal.

 @9F7N3VXNew Zealand Loyalanswered…2yrs2Y

No need for safe havens, since taking drugs should be legalised. Treated as illness for hard drugs, but normal for soft drugs such as grass.

 @9F7MFFW from British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but increase detox spaces, and funding for rehabilitation. As well as walk in counselling, therapy service which wrap around the overdose prevention sites.


Dumb suggestion. Cities do no have jurisdiction or are the right authority in New Zealand to implement.



Yes, But have the medical professionals limit and help them get counselling or rehab to help heal and get less addicted.


 @9F5J83SLeighton Bakeranswered…2yrs2Y

Yes. But a T&C requires them to submit themselves into a program of interventative care.


If these centres are designed to eventually get these people to stop using drugs, then I support it


Yes, Support is necessary to overcome any drug addiction regardless the cost. Life matters.

 @9F3R2C2New Zealand Firstanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but ween them off drugs, it should only be for chronic addicts, and it should be a privatized industry.


No, because this just encourages the use of drugs and will only cause people to start using stronger drugs. Also it brings a bad name to our city, we'll have these druggie safe havens which is a disgusting idea to think about!

 @9F24W8STe Pāti Māorianswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and those with children should be offered supervised housing with support to meet their children's needs, as well as drug rehabilitation support for themselves


Not so much a safe haven but have more accessible resource to fight addiction


I think this is something that should be available but with the aim to reduce and wean them off drugs


I support places where people can be helped with addiction without the fear of crimalisation.


Not qualified to answer this question yes or no, but I somewhat agree drug abuse should be treated as a social and health issue and more funding to address both areas is required


No such facilities should exist in rehab centers as part of a rehab program with a fixed period and limited use per user.


yes but i also think its more important to put more funding into rehabilitation centres rather then just letting the public do them


No. The drug issues needs to be addressed as a health issue and a mental health issue. this is not the answer



I think No, reason being that our health professional's are already short staffed, NZ is already short on nurses etc and struggle to provide tailored care to our patients in hospitals.


No, but more funding for rehabilitation centres and education programmes are required.


We need to encourage overcoming one's addiction as most addicts are unable to work and help out but more therapists should be recruited we need to help people out of the drug addiction, in a warm but just the right amount of demanding way

 @9DVGLL3Green answered…2yrs2Y

Yes. All drug use and personal consumption should also be decriminalised and treated as a health issue


I think drug abuse should be treated as a health isssue not a criminal issue. But no havens


Yes, but it should be a free rehabilitation centre instead of just openly allowing drug use


Yes, if the drugs are being given as part of a schedule of decreasing amounts to wean off the drugs. If they are willing to put the work in to quit, they get the help to quit.

 @9DT6NHCNew Conservativeanswered…2yrs2Y

No, our current medical professions are sparse as it is and needed in other priority areas


Yes, but more advanced research into drugs themselves and the users should be conducted. All natural ‘drugs’ should be legalised and synthetic should be more punishable. People should be able to go to centres if they wish to get clean and not be discriminated but placing people in prison for years on end won’t solve the problem either