Yes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing
No, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

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Neutral. Yes, everyone should recieve an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing but this could encourage people to not work and will harm economic growth

 @9HK9YD6 answered…8mos8MO

The foods and the bank of eatable issued and upstraight by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime minister's office Boris Johnson stands ups hard more different


Yes but people who recieve support need the opportunity to recipicate the support given to them giving back is important


Yes, Only people who medically cannot work can be on this. People who can get a job, get one don’t be lazy


No but it is already happening on current welfare system. People need more education and training opportunities. Businesses need to be supported by government to upskill our people not look to employ immigrants to reduce there cost