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I think NZ could afford it. If we structured it the right way.

Increase taxes on companies. Stop increasing minimum wage to increase affordability of that tax.

Increase income tax to 50% up to 150k, anything over gets taxed at 65%.

If you earn 50k a year you make 40k UBI untaxed. + 25k earned income after tax. Everyone makes more money, higher earners subsidize the lower earners Ubi. This also allows people the freedom to be more picky with their line of work, will encourage entrepreneurship and reduce homelessness. We can also abolish the welfare system which some people exploit. Plenty of people on welfare making more than 40k a year doing nothing already.

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Last activeActivity9 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias66%Audience bias0%Active inPartyNational PartyLocationSeattle, WA