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 @9FZ43K5 agreed…7mos7MO

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It's your own body so you control that and your decisions, no one should take over or interfere with that.


If I were to be put in the position where I had a choice between an abortion or keeping the child, it is my choice since it’s my body. I can’t believe that we have gone back in time where abortions are illegal in 1st world countries, it’s actually disgraceful and shocking. No one should be able to take away the right to your own body. Very much against your basic human rights.

 @9FZVLJQ agreed…7mos7MO

It’s your choice to do it because it’s your body and when you do an abortion it’s before a fetus becomes a child
Sexual assault and rape are experienced by about 30% of New Zealand women


A child is a person at conception and therefore it is also their body, and we have an obligation to protect all life.


Women rights. Women HAVE and DESERVE rights, we are humans too and we should decide what to do with our bodies. I think and whole heartedly believe that we should choice when we want to bring children into the world and we should be able to make the decision without having the government do it for us.
The rape related pregnancy rate is 5% among victims who are at or above the age to reproduce, this is anywhere between 12 and 50! Imagine if you took away the right from a 12 year old girl! A girl who couldn't live her life properly because she has a child to take care of!
It is 11.7% of…  Read more


Pro-choice does not necessarily mean you agree with abortions. It means you agree with giving people the right to choose what they do with their life and body. The basic right of autonomy. While majority of people view abortions as a solution to being 'careless', there are so many more reasons that one may choose to have an abortion. It may be putting the mother at risk physically, mentally, or financially.


The majority of people who get abortions are people who cannot afford to support and raise a child, victims of rape, and people who are at high risks of complications in their pregnancy

 @9G6PC5G agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that woman who are pregnant and want to abort should be able to. Sometimes people realize all the mistakes they've done in their life too late. But abortion makes it so it's not too late. Pregnancy and raising a child is so serious, woman shouldn't have to take responsibility for these mistakes because a child isn't a mistake. I think raising a child through this is worse.


It's true that raising a child is a big responsibility and not everyone is ready for it. However, I believe that every life is precious, and there are alternatives such as adoption or foster care for those who feel they cannot raise a child. It's a complex issue with no easy answers.


A child is never a mistake. They may be the result of one, but a living human automatically has the right to life. If an upcoming mother is unable to care for her child, she still has the option of putting them up for adoption.


Nobody should be forced to carry a child if the pregnancy put the mother’s life at risk, was a result of rape or incest, is a non viable foetus, has extremely poor prognosis


Making abortion illegal won't stop abortions from happening, it will only stop them from being safe. 43% of abortions worldwide are illegal.


The human body (although capable) goes through so many changes and they are not always easy. There is also too many children who need loving families in NZ and that is evidence of why woman should have the right to choose. Money is another contributing factor. There are too many families on benefits who should have the right to not have children because they are already on the bottom of the income ladder!


I don't see much point arguing or going any deeper than every woman has a right to decide what happens to her own body.


About 43% of of abortions worldwide are illegal. Making it illegal wont stop it from happening it will only put women in more danger of harming themselves through either the carrying/birth of child, or dangerous methods of abortion.


Women should have a right to chose what happens with their own bodies. there should be a limit of how late this can be, but in the first few months should definelty be their choice.


The human body (although capable) goes through so many changes and they are not always easy. There is also too many children who need loving families in NZ and that is evidence of why woman should have the right to choose. Money is another contributing factor. There are too many families on benefits who should have the right to not have children because they are already on the bottom of the income ladder!


its a womans body, not the childs, not her husbands, not her rapists, not her mother in laws, people should be able to decide what happens to their own bodies


A woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body. It’s 2023 and abortion shouldn’t be something that one should be ashamed of. It’s a very difficult decision and is better than bringing a child into the world who will be in poverty or an unloving home.


It leads to significant deaths for women who seek desperate measurers and leads to unwanted uncared for damaged children


Women deserve the right to choose what to do with their body in the same way men can. It is women that have to carry that baby for 9 months. It is women whose careers get put on hold so that she can have said baby.
Women should be able to choose if they are ready to bring life into the world because so many women aren’t financially, physically and mentally ready to go thru with having a child especially if the circumstances in getting pregnant. So many women that get a abortion are either victims of rape or not in a situation where they feels ready to devote their life to a child for…  Read more

 @9FTJLSXGreenfrom Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

The choice to terminate a pregnancy is the choice of the person who is pregnant. It is unlawful to make decisions about another person's body when there is no consideration given to their mental or physical health, nor the situation that child may be brought into. The child may end up in a hateful situation that was not their choice but society has forced them into due to policy. If the situation is bad enough then the child will go into "the system" causing further harm to society as their environment influences their behaviour and outlook towards their world.


Again I don’t have one. Anyone who is able to give birth has their own right to their own body and their own choices.


No body should be forced to do something they don't want to do. It is a woman's right to be able to choose if they want to so something or not no matter your personal wants and beliefs.


its up to the women and her partner if they are relevant, having an unwanted child would be bad for the mother and child, being pregnant could also provide massive health risks so they are better to not carry


It's your body, your choice. Especially if the woman has been raped, she should not be made to carry the baby.


Women rights. Women HAVE and DESERVE rights, we are humans too and we should decide what to do with our bodies. I think and whole heartedly believe that we should choice when we want to bring children into the world and we should be able to make the decision without having the government do it for us.
The rape related pregnancy rate is 5% among victims who are at or above the age to reproduce, this is anywhere between 12 and 50! Imagine if you took away the right from a 12 year old girl! A girl who couldn't live her life properly because she has a child to take care of!
It is 11.7% of…  Read more


The choice to terminate a pregnancy is the choice of the person who is pregnant. It is unlawful to make decisions about another person's body when there is no consideration given to their mental or physical health, nor the situation that child may be brought into. The child may end up in a hateful situation that was not their choice but society has forced them into due to policy. If the situation is bad enough then the child will go into "the system" causing further harm to society as their environment influences their behaviour and outlook towards their world.


Because it is one of the biggest parts of human rights. There are many circumstances to why people get abortions. You cannot for a woman to destroy her life.


I can see how everyone’s lives and ability to raise children is so different and therefore I believe that each person should be able to make their own decision and do what is best for them. If someone is not comfortable with themselves, their bodies and their situation, how are they meant to make it comfortable with an extra being? Why bring a child into this world if they won’t get their best upbringing?


There are over 24,000 children in foster care at the moment, and only 125 adoptions happening in the year 2020 . Thats thousands of children in foster care until they eventually age out with next to know help. By providing women with the right to choose we can reduce these numbers and have less and less children being given up and living a life parentless.


It is our basic human right to have autonomy over our body's and be able to make the choice to abort or not


The choice should always be there. For those who need it, for those who are too young, for those who aren't ready, who can't afford to care for a child.


Women should be able to choose. Not every birth is planned. We don't need more struggling kids on the streets


every year 1 in 30 women are raped almost all the time they can not control it and struggle from mental issues such as deppresion and ptsd after, women struggle so much they commit suicide sometimes. 2/3rd of female rape victims are the age of 12-17, at this age women's minds are not fully developed and not ready to have a child. A 12 year old can not care for themselfs let alone another child and their families may not have the money or room for another child.


I should need to provide data or context. It is my right to choose what to do with MY body, it’s a basic human right.


The majority of people who get abortions are people who cannot afford to support and raise a child, victims of rape, and people who are at high risks of complications in their pregnancy


In a perfect world every child would be born to loving, consenting adults. They would be financially secure, in good health, at an age where they understood the pressure of raising a child and baby would have no defects to makel life intolerable or more complex than any other child.
Women need to be able to make the right choice for them.


Criminalising abortion does more harm than good. Instead of limiting abortions, it forces women to use more dangerous methods. It also disproportionately impact women from lower socioeconomic areas and rural areas who have less options


It’s just a right we should have because having a child is a huge decision and having a child could even kill the women if she is unable to give birth or grow the baby.


Unwanted children should not be forced into this world. It’s hard enough with the children who are wanted


There’s nearly 8 billion people in the world, the planet is dying. People are struggling and you you want to force rape victims to make more people?

 @9FVLXL8Labour agreed…7mos7MO

The extents of New Zealanders who concur fetus removal ought to be allowed according to individual decision or certain conditions are practically the same across various age gatherings and sexes, with the most variety found comparable to family pay.


There are dozens of reasons why women choose to abort. It may be because they were raped, or because it would be cruel to continue a pregnancy with a child that will never live or require immense medical support. I got pregnant on three different methods of contraception. I did not want children, but got pregnant regardless of contraception. I chose to have all of them, but nonetheless all women should be able to make this choice.


If you have a problem with it and it’s not your body then it’s really none of your business. I’m sure you do things that others don’t agree about.


It’s the mother’s body therefore it’s no one else’s choice. Just because someone else shares a different belief doesn’t mean you get to choose for them


I strongly support a pro-choice stance on abortion. It's crucial to respect personal autonomy, allowing individuals to make decisions about their own bodies. Legal abortion is essential for the health and well-being of women, preventing unsafe procedures. Unplanned pregnancies can arise from complex situations, and legal access provides a humane solution. It also respects diverse moral and religious beliefs while promoting public health and safety. Looking at history and international comparisons, legalizing abortion has improved women's lives and reduced maternal mortality. Furthermore, it can contribute to addressing concerns about overpopulation and resource strain


Everyone has their own choice to do what they want to do with their own body and should be given this right


If your pro choice then you have already decided to enforce your will onto others and there own body choices, why would you enforce someone to live a harmful unwanted life? Do you really want someone to live unwanted or struggle with life in a bad family situation?
We all must have our own choices on our own bodies and future.


Allows a possible life saving operation to be able to be done immediately without the doctor having to make sure they won't be charged.


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