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Abortion up to 12 weeks is fine, abortion past this point for medical reasons only



Pro-Choice, but ban after 22 weeks (unless there is some kind of danger to the mother)


Education, remove the taboo, teach consent to all children, and help the mental health of those who do choose to abort but make it socially acceptable to adopt because there are families who would love to welcome another family member.


abortion should be legal - but also provide free birth control & sex education. Abortion should not be allowed after 12 weeks gestation. Abortion should be legal in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother and/or child.


If ur a prolife male you should get ur nads chopped of. Females dont get reproductive rights? neither should you! I'm more than happy to go around with my anti-fascist scissors to snippity snip the religious freaks btw.


Pro-life, but allow in cases when a woman’s physical health has been severely damaged by either rape, incest, or disease/sickness etc


Pro choice , ban after 4 weeks of gestation as that’s when a heart beat is detected


Women should talk to their partner first before getting an abortion unless if the pregnancy is life threatening or if the woman is a victim of rape


Pro-life but you to 8 weeks and invest in options that aren’t abortion and private clinics for mothers to go to to get help and support. Also make contraception FREE


Generally Pro-Life, but allow for under 21s, victims of rape or incest and if there's danger of the mother or child.


They shouldn't have an abortion because that is basically killing a human being no matter if they have not come out for the egg, they should have a chance of living.


i think people should chose if they dont want a baby but personally have the baby then give it up for adoption and not kill it straght up



Pro-life, the government should legislate against murder and abortion is murder. In 2019 there were 12,857 babies murdered in New Zealand ( However, the the surrounding circumstances that lead up to a woman or girl choosing to end her babies life is what needs to be addressed. Abortion is the result of emotional issues, not physical and the decision made by a female is never a light one. Women only choose this option as a second choice because they feel that the first choice to keep, love, and nurture their baby is not an option, for many varied reasons, and yet underlying…  Read more


Pro-life but allow the mother unbiased counselling with options for termination on health grounds.


I don't think It should be banned especially for victims of rape or if the mother or child is endangered. However if a woman wants an abortion that is her choice and the law shouldn't stand in her way


Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months (unless there were circumstances that prevented getting an abortion during the first three months).


I think that is a decision govt should be making to make a health issue. And should between said woman and their health professional.


I do. But I also Think it should precide under the health act. And be a dialogue between said woman and their Doctor.


allow abortions because the mother could have been raped or they aren't ready for the a child. they could also have a medical disease and have to abort it for there safety.


i think that it is screwed up its your fault your pregnent dont cry about it suck it up you murderers


I'm pro life, but I really do think that the only case of legal abortion should be for rape victims should they choose to accept it. I feel that just because a mother is struggling whether it be financially or so, that the consequences were known. I look at it in a way, there a ways that the baby and mother can carry on for example adoption agencies. There are many mother and young children suffering, yet we don't just to decide to kill the living child.


Abortions should be legalized, and ban after the first 3 months EXCEPT in a case or rape, incest, or danger to the mother/child.

 @9QRBWWNLabourfrom Indiana  answered…8mos8MO

Pro-choice, yet after viability (24 weeks/5.5 months) there needs to be a medically necessary reason for example threat to the mother's life, medical condition with the foetus, rape and/or incest.


It should be the parents choice, If the Mother is a victim of Rape or Incest it should be the Mothers & only the mothers choice


I would say 50/50 because that is a human being in you and although not born it is still alive only within you, however because it is your own body that this baby is in. It is also your choice to make. No child should have to die due to the fact a parent was not ready but no parent should have to give up some personal things because they had a baby they didn't plan.


Pro-life, BUT allow abortions in case of rape, incest, or danger to the mother and child. And provide birth control, sex education, and more social services that help reduce the number of abortions.

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Brazilian and Ireland Dublin's areas less rapes case with mother's baby and a girl or a boy's birth mumse by kidnapped gangs gadgets


My position is from a moderate standpoint of view, meaning that I am pro-life. However, abortion should be legal in the unfortunate tragedy of rape, or incest, or danger to the mother or unborn child. I am pro-choice in this instance.


I am pro life but understand others have different opinions. If someone was to have an abortion, should they not tie their tunes at the same time? Let them to commit to not having babies if they don't want babies.


Pro-life if the sex is consensual. Pro-choice for rape (incest if not consensual), endangers the mother.


Pro choice, we need to support woman in every step of birth control, self worth, sex ed, body autonomy, safe relationships and fund social services to support these necessary services.


pro choice regardless but there needs to be more options and corporations built into action too damage control the unnecessary losses.


Pro-choice but have more screening to reduce the number of women pressured into the procedure by the father, or the doctors. Have a compulsory free counselling course for every woman then have the scope to extend it if severely traumatized.


Pro choice but not after 3 months and provide free sex Ed, birth control and counseling weather it's for before and after care of pregnancy or abortion


Pro choice ban after first three months, while also providing birth control , education and help services


Pro-choice. However. If there is some agreement where if the father wants the child or vise versa and the other does not, have the child and have the opposing parent sign a waver that takes away all parental rights and the parent choosing to keep the child be helped financially by government for the first 5 years of the child's life for essential needs such as clothes, food, diapers ect.


Pro-Choice, as long as the using of abortions is not used as a means “birth control” by an individual, providing more funding and education into birth control methods best


Pro-choice for the first 120 days, but if an abortion is sought after the first 40 days, a valid reason is required. After 120 days, pro-life unless there's a danger to the mother.


There should be a limit on how many people can have. Not using an abortion as a form of contraception through monitoring case by case - must be there for mistakes and rape victims and so on


Pro-choice and punish the man severely if abortion is required for whatever the reason unless it is medically related Takes 2 to tango, don't just penalize the women.


Pro-life but allow abortions for cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother or child. Also Pro-choice but ban after the first three months


Pro-choice, but I also feel it should be both parents to be consulted and decision to be made as I do not feel men should be made to pay child support if they did not want the child.


Mostly prochoice but only allow cases that are the result of abuse or life threatening over 3 months


Pro-life but allow incases of rape, incest or danger to the mother or child but ban after first three months


Pro-life but accepting that safe abortion does need to be available. Providing birth control, sex education and more social services or increasing options for adoption should be considered


Can do 2 abortions but any others not to be funded. More than 3 kids then get tubes tied or no government financial assistance for more than 3 kids , either it be step , with ex or with partners or joint.


Pro life and increase the punishment and child support for those who committed rape to the mothers


Depending on what the Woman would like to do with their baby and depending if they were raped they all have the right to get an abortion if they would like to because it's their life and their body you can't control them.


It's the woman's body not other people's bodies if the woman wants to have an abortion then let her!!! it's her choice, not ours.


Pro choice but if the female decides to keep the baby the Male doesn't have to provide any assistance towards the child


women have rights they can do what they won’t the government shouldn’t get a choice



Pro-life, but I understand the need for abortion in some circumstances and that making it illegal cause grave bodily hard to mothers


Pro choice but after the first abortion the cost should be passed on to the woman except in the cases of rape, incest, or danger to mother or child. In addition, contraception should be provided free to all women. And there should be programs providing training and education for both men and women around relationships, sexual conduct and consequences.


i support abortion before 3 months but only in cases of rape, incest and where the parents can not afford to have the baby at all


I am pro-life but I have minimal hope in people that they would make use of free contraception and instead just go through with the pregnancy to end up neglecting/psychologically harming the child.


Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months or health difficulties/deformaties from both Mother and baby



Pro choice, offer free vasectomies and other birth control products to prevent reoccurrence.


Pro-choice but not after the first 3 months unless there is a serious issue which would endanger life of mother or child would be born with no quality of life


Make ALL contraception FREE! Make all doctors appointments regarding sexual health FREE. If contraception is available and FREE regardless of whether it be the pill, condoms, the rod, Depo, merina, then ban abortions. The help will be there and be free so no excuses! Unless rape/incest/health issues etc.


Pro life with abortion in certain circumstances with increase of social supports


I dont agree with abortion but these defiantly good reasons why some ppl should/choose it but I wouldn't make it a government rule these bigger things to focus on, it's the person's choice on weather they keep the baby or not no one is living the mums life no one knows what she's going through the government shouldn't be aloud to control weather or not u keep a baby its not there decision never will be in my eyes


I am pro life. The baby has a human right to life and if the baby is unwanted they can be put up the baby up for adoption as millions of couples can't conceive.

In terms of abortion I believe if there is a risk to life to either mother or baby then that decision should be made by the couple or mother if she is on her own. But no baby that is healthy and could potentially be adopted should not be aborted.


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