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 @9G4K8G2 disagreed…7mos7MO

My body my choice. It should be illegal to force another human being to forgo with something that affects their lives physically, emotionally and mentally. Many women cannot carry to full term, some are left with complications from pregnancy also before even giving birth. There are a lot of reasons why a woman would want or need an abortion and it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business as to why or if they should be allowed.


This is not merely a matter of personal autonomy, but a question of when life begins and who gets to make that determination. For instance, consider the case of a fetus that is viable outside the womb. If a woman wanted to have an abortion at this stage, many would argue that the rights of the fetus should be taken into consideration, as it could potentially survive and lead a full life independent of the mother. What are your thoughts on this? How do we balance the rights of the mother and the potential life of the fetus in such scenarios?

 @Diplom4cyTonyNew Conservativedisagreed…7mos7MO

Indeed, the "my body, my choice" argument is powerful and speaks to the basic human right of autonomy. However, some argue that the rights of the unborn also deserve consideration. For example, in cases where the pregnancy is not a direct threat to the mother's life, some argue that the unborn child's right to life should also be valued.

However, I completely agree with you that no one should be forced to risk their health or life. The question then arises: where do we draw the line between the rights of the mother and the rights of the unborn? This is a complex issue that requires thoughtful discussion.

What are your thoughts on this balance between the mother's rights and the rights of the unborn? How do you think we can reconcile these two perspectives?


Yes I agree. I believe that women should be able to choose if they can abort or not. If someone was underage, or raped, or it was incest, or if there was complications with the pregnancy then I believe that abortion should be available and not criminalized. We shouldn't force a woman to carry on an abortion if she can't, but if a woman keeps getting pregnant and then aborting and then getting pregnant and the aborting, then we should look into that and maybe give her birth control or something like that. It is up to the woman and her beliefs, and after all it is her body. There will always be people who dislike abortion or people who like abortion, so I think that this matter is different for every individual and the option should always be available without it being told that it is good or bad.

 @9FYGK9J agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

To me it’s just obvious, life is a gift from God and to rob a precious baby from their chance to live to make your life easier just isn’t right, and there are so many families out there, (myself included) who would give anything to adopt a child, or children and it breaks to heart that it’s so much easier to choose to a birth rather than to give your child a chance to live by placing your child up for adoption.


Not your body, not your business. It is the choice of the individual carrying the fetus if they keep it or not, it has nothing to do with you or your experiences. You have no idea what is going on in someone else's life and that decision is not up to you.


It's a woman's right to have full autonomy over her own body. Freedom of choice allows those that are against abortion to never have one if they choose not to do so.


Firstly God doesn't come into it. It is a woman's own decision what she does with her body, noone else's


Every woman has a right to make a decision about having a termination, but she should have plenty of support and information provided before making a decision. This is a huge choice to make and every situation is different. Don't judge other people as you don't walk in their shoes.

 @9FXNH9BGreen disagreed…7mos7MO

pro-choice ensures more children are brought up in better financial and emotional conditions! as well as less of a toll on women phayically and emotionally from either keeping the baby or adopting out the baby!

 @9G3J2VY disagreed…7mos7MO

My life. My body. My choice.

It would be my child, my responsibility, my Burdon, my sacrifice, my risk.

Why would I let another tell me what's best for my body or my life. I believe in pro choice meaning I get all of the I information available and I get to make the best choice for me and my body.


I agree with this statement. Bodily autonomy is number one. Should a parent be forced to give up an organ for their child.


My life. My body. My choice. It would be my child, my responsibility, my Burdon, my sacrifice, my risk. Why would I let another tell me what's best for my body or my life. I believe in pro choice meaning I get all of the I information available and I get to make the best choice for me and my body.


What about the child's choice? Let the child go to adoption there are so many people who want to have children but can't.


Abortions will continue to take place regardless, it is important to provide a safe and professional environment to do so. Even if contraception is used, it is not always effective. Providing the option for abortions supports autonomy, as well as taking into consideration individuals' mental state and ability to raise children.

 @9G5F594 disagreed…7mos7MO

That women should have the right to control their own bodies and not have them politicized. It should not be anyone's decision to decide what a woman does with her body, if a woman personally disagrees with abortion then she is entitled to keep any child but some women for a myriad of reasons cannot and should not have a baby and it should be no ones decision but her own to decide that.


I believe it's not just about the woman's body, but also about the unborn child's life.

Take, for example, a situation I came across once. A close friend found herself unexpectedly pregnant and considered abortion due to her circumstances. But she chose to carry the pregnancy to term and gave the child up for adoption. Today, that child has grown up in a loving family and has a chance at life.

I suppose my question is, shouldn't the potential life of the unborn child factor into this decision? If we advocate for the rights of the woman, are we not also duty-bound to consider the rights of the unborn? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.


Difficult to debate this, as there are more factors involved in that decision, not only women rights, life should always prevailed, but there could be some circumstances that allow some of them to terminate their pregnancy (ie someone that was raped). If you only base your decision on women's rights, it will bring 300 thousand other rights from people that only want to take an advantage of them.

 @9G5FR3N agreed…7mos7MO

Any decision regarding the health and wellbeing of a woman should be between them and their qualified physician.

 @9FZ43K5 disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should have the rights to THEIR BODY and should choose themselves the government does not need to be involved with somebodies else's business.

 @9FYGQDY disagreed…7mos7MO

People should choose for themselves, you cannot decide what someone does to their own body based on one random religion you've circumstancially fallen into.

 @9FYGZ5H agreed…7mos7MO

Other peoples opinions based on their religion or belief system should not have this much effect on another persons life. It is arrogant and misogynistic to think that you should have control over a woman's body to the point of choosing whether they have a child or not. Whether they go through pregnancy or not. Whether they go through birth or not. Whether their lives are changed forever or not.


It's not about "religion" which is about adhering to a set of rules. It's about what tge Sovereign God of the Universe decrees . He says life is sacred and All humans are dearly loved and speciL to him..

 @9FYGQDY commented…7mos7MO

Good grief. Do you hear yourself? I only wish the delusions that drive your theories could help you spell.

 @9FYGZ3LNew Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

It's a fetus when you don't want the it and a baby when you do. If a man is obligated to pay child support for a child they don't want, then they should also have a right over a decision of their child being allowed to live

 @9FYGYP4New Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is about 3 human beings right to life and quality of life - including physical well being and secure mental health.

 @9FWXZNX disagreed…7mos7MO

No person should have to carry a child conceived through rape, nor should a young person who has made a mistake and is not ready be made to not have a choice!

 @9FWY9GGNew Conservativedisagreed…7mos7MO

I understand regarding the rape, but regarding "not ready" then you should zip it up, wrap it up, otherwise face the consequences.


How about the many cases in which contraception has been used, but has not been effective? No contraception is 100%, only abstinence...

 @9FVLXL8Labour disagreed…7mos7MO

Not everyone is given the option to have an abortion which is so wrong. Its not up to us if you keep your baby or not. Its really up to you.

 @9FXW8P3ACT disagreed…7mos7MO

It will lead to more unwanted children being neglected and overrunning the foster systems and getting into drugs and crime, with tax money going into foster systems and prisons. We will have a more dangerous population in generations to come as a result of people growing up with the trauma of being an unwanted and neglected child. Also there will be dangerous back alley abortions regardless, so more women dead from that as well as increased suicide rates. It's a violation of woman's freedom and their rights and increases the already large power gap between men and woman.

 @9G6KWTS disagreed…7mos7MO

No one should have the right to determine what a woman does to her body. There are some times, medical reasons for needing an abortion. Banning abortion can and does cost lives. Regardless of her reason to choose abortion, it is her right. If men were the ones to get pregnant this wouldn't even be a conversation. Women have be oppressed for too long in society.


Every human being has value, the right to a life. Ultimately, abortion is killing another precious human being. If pregnancy is possible but this outcome is unwanted, don't have sex. If you are not in a position to raise the child, there is someone wants to raise and love this child.


A baby is a baby whatever time of the pregnancy is. I don't feel like it's right to abort even if it has down syndrome or missing a leg. It's your problem if you gt pregnant, never should've had sex in the first place then.


Medical abortions I agree with but I think there should be strict quidelines around adoption and not that anyone can go at any time

 @9G4PD58 disagreed…7mos7MO

It is your body you should be able to make the choice regardless of the circumstances in which have landed the person in this situation.

 @9G4PNS5Labour disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should always have rights to their own bodies regardless of others beliefs. No man, no man should have any say over a women’s uterus or their body. If you force women to grow life then boys should be forced to have a vasectomy at puberty. All women’s contraceptives should be free including consultations & women’s health needs to be taken seriously. it’s bad enough with the price of period products. Women can’t walk away from a pregnancy like men can so men can not have a say. Until there are laws in place that men are held accountable for getting a wom…  Read more

 @9G5JD8X disagreed…7mos7MO

People’s circumstances change and I think people should be entitled to do as they wish with their body, this shouldn’t be a political decision.

 @9FZVLJQ disagreed…7mos7MO

Some arnt given a choice when fallen pregnant and so should be given a choice and especially to those who are victims of sexual assault and are very young such as age 12/13 does not have the will and mentality, financial aid or help from family and friends to raise a child
“A child raising a child”
Some are also not able to afford a child at that stage of their life too


There are thousands of people trying to have babies who struggle with fertility. Surely adopting is an alternative. Babies have no voice. Abortion is murder.


So it’s okay for a child to have a newborn? Like they barely have lived and yet they gotta suffer mentally and physically for 9 months? That’s no way for a child to live.

and yes there’s thousands of people who cannot have children however there are thousands of kids who are up for adoption and many who don’t get adopted for various reasons.

theres too many kids who are born and unwanted by many and even birth parents

 @9G4MBR3ACT disagreed…7mos7MO

God isn't pro life, so why would we follow a rediculous regulation. Woman have the right to chose. There are many medical reasons abortions are necessary. There isn't a choice for females to have their tubes tied at a young age to prevent accidental pregnancies. Doctors are very against it. And female contraceptives arnt 100% and fail. If men don't want abortions. There needs to be more money and research put into male contraceptives. Female contraceptives side effects are undesirable with the amount of side effects suffered. If these are remedied "pro lifers" have a choice of not causing a situation where an abortion is needed.


God is pro life and gives breath to every soul that is created. He loves children and desires all would have the faith of a little child. Very ashamed we have one of the worst abortion laws in the world.If we want Gods blessing on our country we must stop killing our babies.

 @9FXR9GJLabour disagreed…7mos7MO

No one decides what I do for work, eat, how i spend my money or what hobbies I do. No one decides what i wear, what coffee i drink or what movies to watch. So why do people get to decide on what happens to me all of a sudden?

 @9FWXWFS disagreed…7mos7MO

abortion does not always mean a baby, abortion is also when you remove any tissue from the uterus, even non-living ones. also if someone is not in a position to take care of another human being, they shouldnt, otherwise that child might than not have a good life
(im not the most knowlagable about this, but I just thing people should have that option to do what they want with their bodies)


Just because someone might not have a good life doesn’t give you the right to kill them. Its not just a woman’s body, there is another life inside it. There are other options.


It is our basic human right to have autonomy over our body's and be able to make the choice to abort or not.


Women should have the right to their own bodies'. It's a medical decision, not a political or criminal one.


Agreed. It is their choice, also there are too many children born into families that cannot support them. Abortion would give these families opportunity to not bring children into such world.


It’s healthcare and should be up to the woman. It is her body that will be affected and she should be able to make that choice.


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