Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FZVLJQ disagreed…8mos8MO

Some arnt given a choice when fallen pregnant and so should be given a choice and especially to those who are victims of sexual assault and are very young such as age 12/13 does not have the will and mentality, financial aid or help from family and friends to raise a child
“A child raising a child”
Some are also not able to afford a child at that stage of their life too


There are thousands of people trying to have babies who struggle with fertility. Surely adopting is an alternative. Babies have no voice. Abortion is murder.


So it’s okay for a child to have a newborn? Like they barely have lived and yet they gotta suffer mentally and physically for 9 months? That’s no way for a child to live.

and yes there’s thousands of people who cannot have children however there are thousands of kids who are up for adoption and many who don’t get adopted for various reasons.

theres too many kids who are born and unwanted by many and even birth parents