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5 Replies

 @9FYGZ5H agreed…8mos8MO

Other peoples opinions based on their religion or belief system should not have this much effect on another persons life. It is arrogant and misogynistic to think that you should have control over a woman's body to the point of choosing whether they have a child or not. Whether they go through pregnancy or not. Whether they go through birth or not. Whether their lives are changed forever or not.


It's not about "religion" which is about adhering to a set of rules. It's about what tge Sovereign God of the Universe decrees . He says life is sacred and All humans are dearly loved and speciL to him..

 @9FYGQDY commented…8mos8MO

Good grief. Do you hear yourself? I only wish the delusions that drive your theories could help you spell.

 @9FYGZ3LNew Zealand Firstdisagreed…8mos8MO

It's a fetus when you don't want the it and a baby when you do. If a man is obligated to pay child support for a child they don't want, then they should also have a right over a decision of their child being allowed to live

 @9FYGYP4New Zealand Firstdisagreed…8mos8MO

Abortion is about 3 human beings right to life and quality of life - including physical well being and secure mental health.


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