Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production
No, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead
No, just enforce existing regulations
No, and I believe global warming is a natural occurrence
No, and the current government is over-regulating businesses

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100% NO!!!! Look at New Zealand contributions to carbon emissions. We contribute approx 0.02% regardless of what we do we will never make a difference to the carbon emissions in this world

 @9J78RN2 answered…6mos6MO

Environment and councils with Hamilton and Wellington horoscope by the right amounts living keep rolling


Find better alternatives this whole ev cars is not good when they blow up as fire fighters dont want to deal with them
Also what happens to batteries when they stop that cant be good for enviroment
Factories making evs is using diesel etc to produce this stuff so it defeats the purpose of clean green


Only if they realistically reconsider what produces carbon emissions. Electric cars are not environmentally friendly, stop the bollocks and get real.


Current heating of temps happened BEFORE CO2 levels rose. The earth is always going through warming and cooling. The climate agenda isn’t about climate it’s about controlling movement and digitisation of our lives.


Only if there are obvious toxic pollution but other wise the earth requires CO2 to convert into oxygen via trees so the obvious solution is businesses planting more trees