
Historical Results

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “High Risk Immigrant Ban” has changed over time for 4.9k New Zealand voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


They should have a quarantine set up for them so that they can find out as much as possible for the safety of not just us but also them


think that the government should do standard safety and background checks before letting foreign citizens to enter the country


I think immigrants from high risk countries should be allowed in but we should improve our ability to screen out potential terrorists as well.


it depends on where and they should be revalued for a bit but discreetly for the first couple month.


No, the usual procedure is when you are moving overseas you get checked on criminal background etc. They will exterminate your possibilities of moving overseas if you have a higher risk of causing trouble.


No unless they find a significant way to test for threats without making it difficult for everyone else to apply