Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence
No, spending life in prison is a harsher sentence
Yes, but the victim’s family should decide the punishment
No, too many people are innocently convicted

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Other Popular Answers

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Yes, but the victims family is to decided the punishment and only an option for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence.

 @9J78RN2 answered…6mos6MO

Seat life in prison and women's with the younger teens and the warrant to arrested by the local police and the areas been theatre of threaten by harmed helped

 @9HK9YD6 answered…8mos8MO

The prison if the date lines with back sides of the arrested wanted by police by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK prime minister Boris Johnson taking white House issued


Yes, for murder. Most other serious crimes can be punished with incarceration in a penal gulag. Criminals should work to repay society for their deeds


only if they did a terrible crime like the man who commited the terrible crime of killing the muslim people in christchurch


If somebody intentially hurts a child or the elderly then the death penalty should be considered AND decided by a majority vote (of new zealand citizens born and living in in nz only for the majority of their lives. Also they need to be 18 or over to vote)

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