Yes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete
No, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate

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Other Popular Answers

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Yes, whomever competes in athletic events should be no business of the government.


No. A female born as a male has an unfair physical advantage. Would you ever see a boxing match between Mike Tyson and Jacinda Ardern? No. Wake up


I believe that they shouldnt be able to compete because when it comes to sports they should play in/against their assigned sex at birth because men grow differently from women and do have an advantage so it would be unfair if a man competed in a womens sport.

 @9GH833L answered…8mos8MO

Create a new category for transgender athletes. Many transgender people I’ve spoken to support this. More sport for people to watch. Everyone wins.

 @9G8LHS4from Leiria answered…8mos8MO

Make a new league where only trans compete, a Male to female league and a female to male league, so 4 leagues total

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