Yes, I support the concept but not the current implementation
No, teach to each student's potential instead of uniform testing

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Other Popular Answers

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National Standards in education should be tailored to each students capacity for learning and growing.

The world has taught us that we achieve and excell at our own pace.

If there is a system where students are tailored to their capacity for learning and growing and not to their age then this should be fine for society.

Design a schooling where it disregards age. It focuses on the potential skills of students and helps navigate them towards their profession. Whether it be a student progresses and finds their fulfilling career by the time theyre 16, or someone who manages to find a steady way of living by the time theyre 26.

Education is valuable to us of all ages. All we need is recourses and time

 @9L9R4MQ answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but just teach the students their potential instead of being so focused on uniforms/uniform testing


A lot more time should be spent on discovering and nuturing each students natural abilities and what they enjoy. But basic national standards should be met as well.


If we teach every student to their potential standards will rise without endless asessment to the detriment of teaching in pursuit of standards.


We need to teach the basics well, using different methods, as we know people learn in different ways. I also believe financial education should be taught.


I think the NZ education system needs to be updated, taking into account methods from countries performing better e.g. the UK, Japan, the US that are financially viable.