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National Standards in education should be tailored to each students capacity for learning and growing.

The world has taught us that we achieve and excell at our own pace.

If there is a system where students are tailored to their capacity for learning and growing and not to their age then this should be fine for society.

Design a schooling where it disregards age. It focuses on the potential skills of students and helps navigate them towards their profession. Whether it be a student progresses and finds their fulfilling career by the time theyre 16, or someone who manages to find a steady way of living by the time theyre 26.

Education is valuable to us of all ages. All we need is recourses and time

 @9L9R4MQ answered…3wks3W

Yes, but just teach the students their potential instead of being so focused on uniforms/uniform testing


A lot more time should be spent on discovering and nuturing each students natural abilities and what they enjoy. But basic national standards should be met as well.


If we teach every student to their potential standards will rise without endless asessment to the detriment of teaching in pursuit of standards.


We need to teach the basics well, using different methods, as we know people learn in different ways. I also believe financial education should be taught.


I think the NZ education system needs to be updated, taking into account methods from countries performing better e.g. the UK, Japan, the US that are financially viable.


At high school level everyone should have the opportunity to learn basic maths, English and science. Though more practical classes like finances and budgeting to basic day to life skills. There should be lease focus on the academic results and more focus of the progress as an individual.


National standards, but with ability to customise for each students potential.


No this system is built to cater to the colonised system it is made for simple minded boring people hence why Māori are failing at your schools


We should be able to compete on the international stage for standards in education


Continue the concept of national standards but leave room for individualized needs

 @9F95GY2Greenfrom California answered…8mos8MO

I agree but not with the new NCEA, keep it with the old one where everything is worth different credits


Teach to each students potential with clear learning goals. Too much teaching time is wasted on over assesdment



Teach real world skills and problem solving. Make exams harder but open book like the real world



No, increase the education level of teachers to Masters degree so our brightest are influencing our future

 @9DVGLL3Green answered…8mos8MO

Public education requires a certain level of streamlining, but not through a one-size-fits-all approach. There should be less emphasis on standardised testing and some flexibility for each student with different needs.

 @9DTLSTL answered…8mos8MO



Yes but we need to fund higher ratio of teacher aides in classrooms to be able to help those with learning difficulties. Not have kids who just think different fall through the cracks and feel dumb


I am unsure and would like to see more research before I make a decision.


Donald trump and New Zealand prime minister is uniform and schools attend


Yes, I think there should be a national standard, but students who excel or fall behind need to be accommodated for




I would like to say that it would be better to customise teaching practices to better meet the different learning needs of different students but this is not currently financially viable.


Yes but also provide information about the student's individual potential as well


There should be a more learning based education system. NZ systems feels far too testing; students are trying to crack the code to pass the test, it should be more about how much can we learn/teach, not how much/what do they need to know to pass


Futties with increase no was for high schools with no bodies I nidell. Bises bises is like gambling and help drink line grunks ongoing process the point is leave mental and iisness is increase dhb all across new Zealand opening borders


The NZ education system needs to change. Boys and girls learn differently


somewhat, there needs to be a middle ground - it’s too difficult to teach to each unique student and society doesn’t cater to everyone separately


No, teaching should be the most revered, respected and rewarded role in society. It currently is not. Allow for teachers to get paid their worth in order to make teaching more appealing.


schools need to be teaching budgeting, financial planning and better career plannibg


I think there needs to be an assessment model so we can see if children are struggle, middle of the pack or thriving but having room for the fact that not everyone will thrive in the schooling system, and some would be better off out of it.


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