Yes, race should not impact seats
No, and there should be more Maori representation built into political structures

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If you want to abolish racism in the world at some point society will have to become conditioned to be colourblind. Having Maori, Chinese, Polish, Jewish, Muslim or any other culturally bound requirements on parliament are counterproductive to cultural and societal progression in our society.


There should be one government and the right people for the job should be in those seats


If Māori are elected by the people then they should be entitled. But I don’t feel that if we are providing a seat only based on race because we feel it should be represented then no.

 @9R3SHM6 answered…1wk1W

Yes, Maori have achieved above proportional representation in parliament, firstly reduced to 2 seats representing North & South Island for 6 years then abolish.


It is important for Each iwi to have Representation but should not grant Maori too much power over other electorates