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If you want to abolish racism in the world at some point society will have to become conditioned to be colourblind. Having Maori, Chinese, Polish, Jewish, Muslim or any other culturally bound requirements on parliament are counterproductive to cultural and societal progression in our society.


There should be one government and the right people for the job should be in those seats


 @B28V2SWNew Conservativeanswered…7 days7D

Should have a permanent seat that is neutral. Meaning what ever party is in power they are automatically part of it. So Maori will always have a say.


It's a tough moral dilemma I haven't really thought about, but it should be considered by the government.


No, but we should work towards the abolishment of these seats when race relations are secure enough that we do not need to force representation, rather it is apparent naturally.

 @9R3SHM6New Zealand First answered…6mos6MO

Yes, Maori have achieved above proportional representation in parliament, firstly reduced to 2 seats representing North & South Island for 6 years then abolish.

 @9MLHHVNNew Zealand Firstanswered…8mos8MO

It is important for Each iwi to have Representation but should not grant Maori too much power over other electorates

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The united of Maori support with a legs policy and legend former US president Donald Trump and uk prime minister Boris Johnson hoping stands for Press conference map location white House issued


No, the existence of Maori seats encourages all children to think that minorities are just as capable to do things.


Yes, if they continue to be racist and not gain votes then they don't deserve the seats. Why represent a particular race in the first place. It's racist.


The government wasn’t started because they wanted Māori people to be seated in parliament it was so that they could bring what the people wanted to light. The way the government is being run now is all about who’s popular not for what is right

 @9G72NVHVision NZ answered…1yr1Y

I don't believe race should have a role in seats given just like with gender but in the treaty from my knowledge that maori should have a say(seat)


Not really sure I don’t think race matters, who ever can make nz stable should be elected for the parliament seats.


I don't believe there should be seats, unless, it was stated in any agreements that the crown entered into e.g. Treaty of Waitangi


All kiwus should be treated in obe General electorate. It is racist to have 2 electorates: General and Maori is racist in tge 21 century context


Currently don’t serve their intended purpose would be better to combine them into the Maori party and have a single electoral roll


Why is it different? A seats a seat. Māoris have fought for decades to be treated as equal so why would they be treated differently in parliament.


All new new Zealanders born or residences should have a chance regardless of race.


race shouldn't impact seats but there should also be a a Maori section for when they are not represented enough


it should be about 50-50 for cultural appreciation but they should not get favouritism for their culture or race


No, but race shouldn't matter for this situation as long as the person is qualified for parliament.


They should have more seats. It’s their country, they’d have more votes if they weren’t colonised


no, seats are dictated by experience and expertise and races should all have a voice


No, not yet but soon. Māori have mostly equal rights and the seats should be removed once it is completely equal



I think we create a new constitution removing the treaty and the crown and become one country under one constitution.



No, and increase representation for all ethnic groups in NZ, especially those of indigenous Pasifika heritage


No but they have to fit the requirements just like everyone else, not just tokenising them because of their race


Seats should be given to those with rationality and knowledgeable personnel

 @9DKCKX7Democrats answered…1yr1Y

Switch to a system were the electoral threshold is voided for minority parties


No, people should vote for who they think best represents them or they believe has their best interests at the front. Race shouldn't come into this. However, voting wards should accurately reflect the demographics of the whole population in that area.


No, the number of Maori representation should reflect the population percentage of Maori in New Zealand and not more.


No. Maori shouldn't need their own seats to be heard and treated right. But we're not there yet as a country.


yes, and there should be more maori representation built into political structures


Yes, but only after facing a public referendum with a super-majority support in favor of abolishment


More Māori people get into parliament under the general roll then the Māori roll


Hold a referendum for the people to decide, i do not know what to do with this racist chaos



If a Māori politician is voted in as the best candidate that’s how they should be in parliament not because there is a number that has to be meet


Seats should be based on moral values and good will not race. Anyone should be able to become a member of parliament if they are going to do the right thing for New Zealand.


So long as the outcome is working for ALL new zealanders, then there's nothing wrong with it at all


 @9D7SKJ9from Hyogo  answered…1yr1Y



Yes, but introduce true separate and independent self-management, i.e. two systems within the one country, with clear demarcations, and tax and benefit systems. Fully self-determinations for those who want it


No they shouldn't, but it should come down to the individuals qualifications not their race


 @9D5RCP7Nationalfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, and they should convert them into new general electorates, race shouldn't impact seats.



It doesn't matter what race a person is as long as they are good for the job.


Ok as long as they remain a minor party. Race/identity based parties are not democratic and flawed.


No, abolishing Maori parliament seats goes directly against the Treaty of Waitangi


Yes! Why does it matter if they are Māori? It’s racist to have set “white man” seats but not racist to have “Māori” seats?! Are you kidding me?!


Yes, I don't believe that separating based on race is the right way but Maori still need to be respected and honored with the sense of feeling that this is still thier mother land. E.g. include customs etc


No, but these seats should be phased out eventually, as we work to bring more equity to society through other policies


WE aren't at the point of equal rights as yet so still needs to be present. But why do Maori not vote for there politicians and why good research required


Yes Māori still lack in terms of their equality with their fellow New Zealanders. But Māori seats to be phased out as it is a divisive principle for a multicultural nation to have.


Should see NZ as whole, so Maori should representation but not more rights simply because of the fact.

 @9FWZHQLTe Pāti Māori answered…1yr1Y

This question is exactly why they shouldn't be abolished ! Still have racist people against māori in this country, pathetic considering the history which needs to be taught more often !


I think the issue is more complicated than a simple yes or no. If given these seats then better outcomes need to be achieved. The overall Maori statistics are utterly disgraceful in so many respects.


Once Maori statistics on health, education, crime and housing match the general population we should retire the Maori representation structures.


Not abolish, but there needs to be less emphasis on Maori getting priority, this is causing a divide and is not viable going forward to ensure a united NZ.


No not yet. I think that in some point in the distant future we should be a position where Māori can have a fair say without the need for quotas.


If Maori chose to relinquish those seats then fine. The White majority should not have the right to impose their majority will upon the First Nations in the name of democracy when they all but destroyed the indigenous culture with measles, Flu, TB, Syphilis and gunfire and signed a treaty with them (whether it fits with present values or not)


yes I think the parties themselves should look at having a diverse representation.


It needs to fair and not discriminatory - you should earn a seat based on skill and votes and not automatically be allowed one because of race.

 @9FB58CLNew Zealand Loyalanswered…1yr1Y

Maori representation in parliament should be a percentage based on the percentage of population who identify as being of Maori descent.


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