Yes, it should be based off secondary/tertiary results and not the parents income
No, but increase funding where the cost of living is higher
Yes, but I would prefer a free education system
No, there should be more restrictions
Yes, and increase the amount of allowance

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Student allowances should only be permitted to students who work part time or casually, who do not drink alcohol , smoke or use drugs. There should be a card assigned to students that prevent them from buying alcohol, cigarettes or drugs with student allowance money, similar to job-seeker benefit rules. If it's discovered a student smells of tobacco or alcohol, they should be investigated, warned of potentially losing their Student Allowance on a three-step warning process.


Yes, but re-evaluate conditions for which a student is allowed an allowance.


The system for applying for student allowance needs to change because children of wealthy families that hide their money in trust funds get max allowance as well as being paid weekly by parents are eligible yet those on the cusp get nothing.


Yes but there should be other methods of means based testing e.g. not just parental income