Yes, as long as the organization is internationally recognized as a terrorist group
No, they should be detained, investigated, and given a fair trial once they re-enter our country

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 @@963S369 answered…10mos10MO

Depends on what a corrupt government would categorize as a terrorist organisation. The lot in the beehive would easily categorize" anyone who opppses their over reach of power as "far right extremists" and have threatened censorship and domestic terrorism laws to silence ppini9ns and could categorize them.as terrorists given the opportunity. A genuine terrorist with intentions to harm citizens should be detained but then thats all of tge globalists currently in the beehive who forced a weaponised injection onto its citizens. That is domestic terrorism!


If the individual is not New Zealand born originally then they should have their citizenship revoked after thorough investigation and decision to do so.


No, making a person stateless is forbidden under international law. They should be detained, investigated, and given a fair trial on re-entry.



It depends on what and who determines what qualifies as a terrorist organization