Yes, our government should reflect the diversity of our society
No, the most qualified candidate should get the position regardless of gender
No, diversity should be encouraged but not forced

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No this further paints women as victims rather than the able bodied humans that we are. Tokenism is worse than not sitting at the table.


They should only chose the best candidates for the job based on ability, but I would like only women candidates to be in charge of anything women's issues-related.

 @9RCTYPVanswered…4 days4D

NO! if there must be a certain amount of women the same should go for men. Apparently nowadays Maori women are the most privileged or something/


Woman should run for political parties if they want, but you don't need a required amount of women candidates.


Women shouldn't be required to always have an assigned spot, women should be able to fight for their spot in parliament.


Yes. The most qualified candidates should get the position, but sometimes women do not get chosen simply for being a woman. I believe the same should be done for men, as well. equal rights.