Yes, and the government should do more to require diversity in the workplace
No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender
Yes, but only for large international corporations
No, the government should never require the diversity of private businesses

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This depends on the type of business and whether or not their are women actually working in the business. If they are, then yes, having female representation on boards is important.



No, nor should men be required on board of directors of businesses made by women. How you run your business should be your choice alone.

 @9GRDB22from New York answered…9mos9MO

No, but businesses should strongly consider it, and it would limit my desire to invest if an organization did not.

 @9G4PNS5 answered…10mos10MO

Yes women in charge because men’s thinking is irrational & usually due to their fragile ego’s not what is actually logical. We need women’s input to make it logical instead of what man’s egos might get upset.


If the board is ultimately male and has been historically male dominated it may be a requirement yes.