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This depends on the type of business and whether or not their are women actually working in the business. If they are, then yes, having female representation on boards is important.
If they are qualified to be there of course - same for men
No, nor should men be required on board of directors of businesses made by women. How you run your business should be your choice alone.
@9DVBLND 1yr1Y
Govt should incentivise and encourage diversity but I don’t support mandates
No I feel this undermines women and fuels the equality issue.
No, but businesses should strongly consider it, and it would limit my desire to invest if an organization did not.
Yes women in charge because men’s thinking is irrational & usually due to their fragile ego’s not what is actually logical. We need women’s input to make it logical instead of what man’s egos might get upset.
If the board is ultimately male and has been historically male dominated it may be a requirement yes.
Hard call. I’d tend to say yes because diversity is good for everyone.
Either Way, It depends on the business
Yes, but the rule must not be so strict as to force a small one-man home business to hire someone else.
No, just because a corporation presents itself as diverse doesn't minimize the impact of its exploitation of the working class.
Should be a voted in policy
Gender should be taken out of the equation entirely. An objective third party should recommend members based on qualifications alone
No but we should have affirmative action
Female representation should be encouraged, but not enforced
Focus on getting elected worker representatives on boards, ideally getting more women through this way
Only if the woman is chosen because they’re the right person for the job not chosen for diversity’s sake
@8B44K4G 1yr1Y
Yes. If there isn't a person who is the best based on merit and happens to be a woman, businesses will be forced to address the root causes of why this is, and work to fix it through training, addressing nepotism, etc. If there is really equality in our society, this requirement would barely affect anything. But we'll only know which it is if it was implemented.
I think board members should consist of whomever is the most qualified for the job; a nomination on merit rather than sex. But it is import to ensure that women receive the same opportunities as men to develop skills and experience within the workplace so that they are in a position to be nominated to a board. This would hopefully make sex-based quotas redundant as everyone would be playing with the same toys, so to speak.
For publicly listed companies, certainly
The government should help provide equal opportunity for all
No , but business should be required to give people job based on skills shown in interview and qualifications and the government should be offering training and support to enable wemon to access more top jobs
The best qualified person should be on the board
The roles should be filled by the best possible person to fulfill that role whether it is a male or female.
Should be incentive but not mandatory, as the board should have the best people for the job as well as diversity
No, however diversity of gender should be actively encouraged.
No, but publish statistics on board gender and ethnicity.
It should be based on competence not gender.
No, but government should do more to require diversity regardless of gender
Yes but it depends on the size of the organisation and if there’s enough qualified for the role, if not they should be encouraged to train up or hire for a diverse BOD.
There should be more incentives to have diverse board of directors and career pathways that incentivise and train workers to be ready for a board of directors role
Depends on the size etc of the company, if it's one that the govt has to bail out or is big enough to start getting grants or tax cuts etc then yes they should have rules around diversity.
Yes, but only if company above a certain size I.e. 300 employees plus
No, the government should not enforce hiring criteria, however, companies that paper to be discriminating should be required to under go private inquiries by 3rd parties to determine if any imbalances in diversity is a result of discrimination
No, this should be heavily encouraged however not forced
Diverse workplaces must be required and if a company has absurdly low numbers of women, there should be an investigation
No, mandating diversity strengthens its opponents, who declare diversity hiring an attack on meritocracy.
Yes as a temporary equality measure alongside other equality measures
It depends on the qualification of the woman compared to the men
Should be a goal and an incentive but not a requirement
Yes and no. No, best person for Job, but diversity should still be considered as something that will create best team for the job.
People should be on boards if they have the skills
I think this question requires more nuance than any of the available options. The closest I would go for is, "No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender. " But what does most qualified mean? Board members should reflect the population within them, and what the company's mission is. There may be a person who is Technically more qualified than another, but the less qualified person may be able to provide better insight for the role they'd be in. I don't think this should be required by law, but I think it's good to have incentives for doing so, as long as it isn't boiled down to box ticking.
Women should be included yes if they are fitting for the role, not just to come across as inclusive. stupid question
we need to change the system to accommodate diversity rather than encourage women to support systems that are inherently discriminatory
No, board members should be the most qualified while keeping diversity in mind
Diversity is important for incorporating viewpoint accurate to clientele, but rather than choosing based on gender it should be removed from application.
Board's should be comprised of the most qualified for the job, however there should be bias-checking as part of the process.
it's a very situational question, if you were to give a straight answer then it would have to be broad and not the most effective answer for all circumstances.
lifting upsides down which can leaves biggest the importance in taste the bless of chapters in kaimoana when we killers aren't bless theirs age enquires most its womens mental health dhb waikato and ed injuries psa or e-tu helplines i ride the best most importants is the worse caffeine and loose the power of franchise who never brighten liers with topless spot irish and united states with germaine prime minister fracti cortex which ukraine and russian boom with death die attacks army and forces airs or navy of 9 troops battle wars of uk and greece or new zealand including australians troops follow by
give more women and farers grudges by breast cancers by having a birth and under womens wees and give a birth contrated to return of a better for them in sexually on annual leaves and sick invisibles leaves mite heat up by leaving if the child is born by a year before the 24 hours hit the targets
Diversity should be encouraged not mandatory
Should leave the basic by women ruges on refuges hit the work back grounds under roads is everything fight women's broth of 🎅 and little helper with young's and older teens
The government shouldn't have to
Yes, but only for businesses where diversity is a necessity.
I think having Ng requirements in the short term could work, but I would be concerned it's divide the work force into two separate pools where men only compete with men or woman only compete with woman for the jobs available to them, so if requirements were to be implemented I'd like to see them as part of a long term plan so that you can remove the requirements over time as our culture changes.
No, board members should be determined by experience and qualifications rather than sex.
Return end of gender good work.and beside community skill collage and inverter payee in back action and.whether lady's and guys are hapoy beside winston peters who.empowerment and interaction education
No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender, but the goverment should promote diversity in the workplace instead.
No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender But incentivise diversity in the workplace.
Should be required by merit regardless of gender, age, race etc.
Only if they’re the most qualified
Diversity should be encouraged at all times but not enforced.
They should allow anyone that is qualified to do the job regardless of gender
No, if they aren’t right for the job and don’t have an understanding. Yes if they do.
No but the government should offer incentives for diversity
I think it is great if there are, but I don't think it's neccesary.
The best people for the job should be on the board. End of story. Gender is irrelevant.
If they are qualified to be on a board.
Gender diversity should be encouraged but not forced on private business
No but there should be a diversity component of 20%
Of course I support women being in positions of power, as long as they are qualified for the roles and not just for the sake of meeting gender diversity requirements.
No, but steps should be taken to move towards a society where a woman is equally as likely to be appointed to the board as a man.
Yes but must meet qualified critter is too
Board meets should be voted in on their merit, either qualifications or qualities
No, but the Government should do more for gender diversity in the workplace
Should be pretty even with the genders on the board.
No, but pay gaps should be required to be published so that the public can make choices about where they work and spend there money
No, but diversity should be incentivized - if it is required then women's roles become devalued as 'government required'.
Board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender. However, when women are then unable to be in the role due to pregnancy and child rearing more needs to be done to prevent them from losing out on the position they had achieved.
Yes, as long as they are highly qualified for the position.
No, but women should be provided with the same access to opportunities in the workplace
Yes and guidelines for consultation with iwi
I believe it should be blind, but making it forced is putting women in dangerous situations and doesn't necessarily mean theyll be listened to or respected
No but encourage diversity
As long as they can do job, which is important.
Absolutely! Every board of directors in the country should be required by federal law to have a standard degree of gender parity: 45% should be required to be women and 45% should be required to be men. The remaining 10% can be a freely variable amount of men and/or women. Exceptions should be granted where this is not possible.
No, because businesses that genuinely consider gender equality will voluntarily have women on their board anyway.
Once again irrelevant question, woman on their board of directors, seriously?
The board of directors should consist out of people most qualified and capable to fulfil the relevant positions regardless of their gender.
Yes. Gender equality!! This shouldn't even be a question.
Regardless of gender, this should be based on merit and compatibility
Yes but for 3 years then it is open
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