Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9RDDX4Tanswered…4 days4D

when our military cargo planes the Hercules/hercs are 50 years old and we denied ourselves access to jets that could of helped and still can help with the countries defences and most of our planes are from the 90's or earlier


2% of GDP 48% police deparment, 30% Nuclearand biological Research, 10% food for the rich, and the rest to line the pockets of the rich

 @9L9R4MQ answered…4mos4MO

Increase, and make our youth more patriotic/nationalistic to new zealand whether they are european or maori/islander


I think we should decrease the spending because we are not in any trouble and I don't think that any country will attack us.


NZ has virtually no capability to defend itself and is too reliant on other countries. If we spent more on DEFENCE this could also offer people careers they otherwise wouldn't have access to.

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