Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics
No, most citizens couldn’t even pass a citizenship test
Yes, and it should test more than just a basic level of understanding

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


definitely a basic understanding of the language and the intention to become part of New Zealand not to remain amongst there own in New Zealand, this is not beneficial to New Zealand


As an immigrant myself that should not matter whether I know the country's history all I am required to know are the countries rules and regulations. It is all optional. If someone came to my home country I would not expect them to know but instead if they ever wanted to know I would teach them.

 @9J78RN2 answered…6mos6MO

Respected Indians Chinese language inwinded more over Maori digest and pakeha is about flags ups delivered less


No, But when collecting citizenship apart of that procedure should be watching a short 20 min documentary explaining how New Zealand came to be and our way of life. idk


I had to do this in Britain and most British citizens didn't kbow the history, politics I had to learn. I think this should focus on law, rights and responsibilities in modern NZ including cultural understanding such as tikanga and kiwi-isms to help them fit in avoid social mistakes.