The American Civics test is an examination that all immigrants must pass to gain U.S. citizenship. The test asks 10 randomly selected questions which cover U.S. history, the constitution and government. In 2015 Arizona became the first state to require High School students to pass the test before they graduate.
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definitely a basic understanding of the language and the intention to become part of New Zealand not to remain amongst there own in New Zealand, this is not beneficial to New Zealand
No immigrants should be able to have the choice.
Yes, but mainly on the daily running of the country, some basic and common laws, as well as a decent ability to understand and speak English.
Stop giving them citizenship
Yes. Make it so current citizens must also sit the test to get a drivers license or passport
They should take a driving test
Yes but only with our language. and a very basic understanding of the government
I think they should not only have a test but also look at background of those people and think if these people can help the country to improve.
As an immigrant myself that should not matter whether I know the country's history all I am required to know are the countries rules and regulations. It is all optional. If someone came to my home country I would not expect them to know but instead if they ever wanted to know I would teach them.
@9J78RN2 12mos12MO
Respected Indians Chinese language inwinded more over Maori digest and pakeha is about flags ups delivered less
No, But when collecting citizenship apart of that procedure should be watching a short 20 min documentary explaining how New Zealand came to be and our way of life. idk
I had to do this in Britain and most British citizens didn't kbow the history, politics I had to learn. I think this should focus on law, rights and responsibilities in modern NZ including cultural understanding such as tikanga and kiwi-isms to help them fit in avoid social mistakes.
I don't think we should allow citizenship and if they purchase a home they don't receive any govt subsidy.
I think a basic understanding of the English Language and the laws of NZ should be required rather than a History test
I feel like the citizen ship test is old and outdated, especially in such a globalised world. A countries history is a strange thing to add to a citizenship test when many "new Zealanders" probably wouldn't know the answers. does that mean their not patriotic?
A citizenship test should be revolved more around culture, law and language.
It should depend on the immigrants personal circumstances. Are they immigrated because they want to or because they have to. If they want to then some effort should be made towards learning the basics of the language. But if they had to through things happening beyond their control then, firstly the trauma of that happening would need to be addressed first then given a choice of when they feel ready to learn a new language.
Yes, but a focus on our languages* not 'language'. te reo Māori competency should be required as equally as English.
An understanding of English should be required - history and government no.
Yes - specifically to show understanding of Maori culture and treaty history.
They should only have to know the language
Again depends on immigrations situation ability and capacity
Yes only language and driving laws
Yes but the history should be determined through academic consensus
Basic language requirement
Yes, founded on a māori focussed reciprocal agreement
Yes, They should also have an understanding of Te Tiriti
No on the citizenship test however a free course should be provided to educate on our history especially Maori history for those who are interested.
No, not compulsory but given the opportunity for free courses.
Yes, they shoukd know ans understand the principles of te tiriti
Yes, basic NZ history but strong understanding of the role of Te Tiriti in our country
No, half our population doesn’t even know our history, why should immigrants have to
Provide learning but not tests
yes and more than just a basic level test
very basic just knowing stuff in general
They should be introduced with some brief history and knowledge of how New Zealand became what it is today. We should also teach our youth the history of our Country, not the history of others. This is important for all races, cultures to know the foundation and creation of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
give them a time stance of 2 years
Understanding of cultural differences and laws
Not just Immigrants though anybody who is thinking of getting citizenship in nz should have that requirement
whyyy whyyy i dont understand why >:(
No, only after 5 years of living in the country and only if they decide to become a citizen
If applying for citizenship
I feel like this is good but then if we require this of immigrants then current citizens of new zealand should be expected to do the same. No doubke standards.
No but we should provide information packs in their language of origin to help them acclimate
It would depend on whether or not they are told the true history or the new manufactured version. If the second is implemented what the point as they would be indoctrinated into a false narrative.
No but they should be able to pass an English test and be familiar with laws especially road rules.
Only for citizenship application, not for visas
Yes, basic Māori history
Better English and willing to learn
Yes, but this relates to te reo Māori and English.
Yes but so should every 18 year old New Zealand citizen before they can be eligible to vote
Yes but it should be Māori
No, but a basic class if they were interested might be helpful.
Yes but so should all New Zealanders
A citizenship test should be equivalent to a compulsory high school civics exam.
Yes, but include Māori info
Yes, but it should be streamlined with/equivalent to passing a compulsory high school civics test
Yes, and they must understand the culture of New Zealand so that they don’t offend or mistake someone or something.
Everyone should have to do this - kiwis and those who want to live here should understand our context, te tiriti, and both languages
No but we should certainly provide them with more support to enable them to happily integrate
Should be versed in basic Law and to adopt the NZ way of life . ( does not exclude some customs )
i don't think there should be a test but it is important to know just where and who your home came from
Only when applying for citizenship. Should include, maori history and pop culture ie Topp Twins
A kiwi experience as part of process would be more fun
Optional education and learning provided free by the govt.
No, but there should be a way to integrate them into our society, with a pathway to learn the above things.
Free Kiwiana trip to experience kiwi culture
No quiz but a required kiwiana trip would be fun for everyone and give a nice taste
Yes but less important to me
Who's history and culture?
@9DPFJ3H 1yr1Y
They need to sign a contract that would result in revocation of citizenship if they violate the terms of the contract
@9DN7RPQ 1yr1Y
Yes, It should cover a high level of English. And cover the kiwi culture standards and driving test.
yes but this should be something everyone is taught and should not be a test z
not a test but rather a course that they must take
Yes but excluding asylum seekers and refugees
I don’t think they should be required to pass a test but they should be provided with a basic understanding of Aotearoa and it’s bicultural foundations
Should be supported with information to understand the basics
Yes, and it should test between basic and advanced understanding
Immigrants should be required to complete testing to demonstrate their ability to meet the parental care laws set out by NZ government. e.g. use and installation of child car seat restraints, no being left at home underage unsupervised.
should only learn the basic language
History of te tiriti waitangi
If they officially become a citizen then yes
Yea for Maori history and relevance
Yes but proper history not just Maori history
Yes but only after a reasonable amount of time of being in the country
They should have a community to get to meet and know other citizens of new zealand
Only if they are becoming a citizen
Nz Europeans should do the test
No, but they should be provided a basic course outlining these topics
Yes if applying for nz citizenship
Yes with a focus on the colonial damages caused
So long as they've proven to be a productive member of society who really cares how much they know
This should only be applicable when applying for citizenship
No, there shouldn't be a test however making them aware of our government in terms of our laws would be good.
There has been an increase in sexual violence from foreigners. There should be a course designed to install basic behavioral requirements so they cannot plead ignorance based off cultural differences.
No they shouldn't be forced.
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