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 @9MLHJVZ disagreed…2hrs2H

sell weapons without licences is so dangoures, a suciedal teen could buy a gun and then the salesmen can be sued

 @9MLHHVN answered…2hrs2H

I think women should be allowed to serve in the military but only in certain jobs like engineer or supply and NOT in com…

 @9MLHHVN answered…2hrs2H

It is important for Each iwi to have Representation but should not grant Maori too much power over other electorates

 @9MLHHVN answered…2hrs2H

Depends on the branch. Perhaps the Cadet forces should be compulsory for minors until older age But no full military s…

 @9MLHHVN answered…2hrs2H

If it is not proven then they're domestic policies are none of our business only geopolitical and military events are ou…

 @9MLHHVN answered…2hrs2H

The Area can not be trusted with Independence on either side. The British Mandated Rule was the best chance for peace

 @9MLHF5W answered…2hrs2H

it should be for the first year so it gives people a chance to go and then decide if its what they want to keep going wi…

 @9MLHF5W answered…2hrs2H

i think it should be used to analyse the facts but then also have a human to understand the ctual environment they were…