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Well then we would have corruption with wages and businesses using people. It would likely cause for people to not be in these jobs.


Why is this even questioned? If it was in reverse and men got paid less then they would be the first to say every person male or female, with the same experience and skill set should get paid the same amount for the same job


If the same job is being done there is no justifiable reason for pay to be any different. Solely basing pay based on sex is sexist.


The government should have a say in what private businessess pay their employees , as long as we get a good government party that understands that New Zealand needs them to back us and help us with raising the minimum wage to support us during inflation and the cost of living


A company must withhold their minimum values to a certain line in order to not have borderline overworking


I think it is unfair as a women should be paid the same as a man or any other gender for the same job regardless of their qualification. The only exception would be if someone has been in the job for a longer period of time, then they could get higher pay.


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