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2 Replies


Employers should pay their employees based on skill/ knowledge not gender


Yes, but a salary or wage should reflect the qualifications, skills and experience of an employee regardless of gender

 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

Women and left wings experience choices legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime minister's office dramatic for affairs



Yes but more protection to support parental absences which is the only reason for the perception of the so called gender pay gap. There is no legitimate reason for differing rates of pay if this does occur and is already legislated against through the BORA.


people should be paid based on experience, education and ability to do the job. but if there is an equal starting point then a man and woman should be paid the same for the same job


Yes, but with weighting for lifestyle decisions and other benefits included.


Gender should not be a factor. Other factors such as level of qualification should be deciding whether or not a salary should increase


Yes if their experience and education is within the same range. Especially if another man would be offered the same pay in a similar range.


No, but government should have resources available to help those who experience it.


Yes so long as the candidates are comparable. If the women is more experienced and competent than their male counterpart, then they should get paid more


All things equal (education, experience, skills) - yes. Plus publish the pay bands and include pay range in the job ads - that should be mandatory.


This legislation has been in place for 50 years. It's the wrong question


 @9DX49Q6Labour answered…8mos8MO

There should be clear salary ranges for all positions but they should take into account education, experience and tenure as to where in the salary range they would sit.


No, there are variables to consider but the gap should be published in consideration of these variables to determine the worth of the variables when considering pay.


No, but their should be potential for both to earn same amount in same position when education, experience and tenure is factored in.

 @9DQK9J3 answered…8mos8MO

Pay should be based on the skill level of the employee, not the gender!



The wage gap is real and needs to be addressed but transparency and policy rather than law or regulation is the best approach


Yes, if other variables such as education, experience and tenure are the same


Gender should not come into play when deciding what someone gets paid! It is about ability, education, training, etc


It is impossible to say whether 2 people actually have the same job / do the same work, even if they have the same title. Instead by introducing a UBI, we increase the power labour, and issues such as these can actually be resolved

 @9FFXZVDNew Conservativeanswered…7mos7MO

Yes if it’s the same job men and women should be paid the same. Same should be done with race. Wages/salary should be public info


Yes, if a man and a women both have the same qualifications and experience then the pay should be the same


Yes as long as other variables as mentioned above are taken into consideration. there should be no gender pay gap


Yes the base pay should be the same but the variables such as education, experience, and tenure need to be factored in. But gender shouldn’t affect pay decisions


Yes, if they have the same qualifications and contribute to the business in the same way


 @IraklisGreen answered…7mos7MO

No, but equal pay legislation should be simple to enforce, so that employees have easy recourse to justice.


Yes, but only if women are not taking time off to have children and therefore have less experience and tenure than men. Women should not be paid as much as men if they expect to work less hours, have reduced duties and require more flexible work conditions if they have children to take care of. Contribution and time served should be equal if salary is expected to be equal regardless of personal circumstances.



They should be paid in accordance to their experience and qualifications irrelevant to their gender


Yes, if they do the same level of work and get the job done just as fast


Yes, employers should pay men and women the same salary for the same job unless variables such as education, experience and tenure come into the mix as that would be fair.



This should be based in skill and ability to do a job and remuneration set accordingly


No should be based on merit and other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary



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