
168 Replies


How would daily life in your community be different if decisions were made through public forums that everyone could attend?


If local businesses could directly support one community project, which project would you want it to be and why?


Imagine you could create an app to solve a local issue. What issue would it address, and how would the app work?


How would your community change if everyone volunteered just one hour a week to a local cause?


What project could you and your friends start that would make your community a better place to live?


If you could introduce one improvement in public transportation based on your daily experiences, what would it be?


What kind of local event would you create to bring different generations together, and why?


What's a challenge your community has overcome and how could that story inspire current projects?


How might helping out at a local nonprofit or grassroots organization change your perspective about the community?


How do you think accessible technology could help solve a local problem you care about?


What part of your city's history are you most proud of, and how could you help promote it?


What local issue makes you most passionate and how would you personally like to address it?


Which local artist or musician do you think deserves more recognition, and how could the community help?


How would you feel if your favorite local business received support from a community-run program?


How would you design a local volunteer project to help both the environment and the community?


How would you reimagine your local library to better serve the needs of today's teens?


What change in your community would make you feel more involved and invested in the well-being of your neighbors?


How could a more locally-focused economy change your family's job security and satisfaction?


Can you think of a skill or knowledge unique to your community that could solve a specific local challenge?


If you could change one ordinance or law in your community, what would it be and what impact would it have?


How can teenagers contribute to local governance to ensure their perspectives are included in community planning?


Would the ability to crowdsource and implement community improvements through apps and online platforms interest you?


How do you imagine your daily life would be different if your local community were in charge of public transport decisions?


How could a community initiative address transportation issues in your area?


How could a locally-focused educational initiative look in your community?


What would you do if you had the chance to influence local employment opportunities?


If you could design a community event to bring people together, what would it be about?


How would you feel about your neighborhood handling its own waste and recycling programs?


If your community could set its own health and wellness goals, what do you think should be the top priority?


How might direct action in your neighborhood improve the lives of its residents?


If you could, what local issue would you address first and why?


Can you think of an instance where local innovation might outpace national-level efforts?


What's a local environmental issue you feel strongly about and what community-led solution would you propose?


How could locally-driven economic development affect your job prospects or those of people you know?


How do you envision local control affecting the relationship between your school and the community?


How might you and your friends contribute to local decision-making to improve equity and inclusion in your community?


When do you feel most connected to your community, and how could local governance enhance that?


In a world of local governing, what role do you see for yourself in shaping your immediate environment?


How do you think hands-on community engagement would impact your motivation to participate in governance?


In what ways might the direct involvement of residents shape the future of your neighborhood?


How would you feel if your personal values were better reflected in the decisions governing your local area?


How could bringing decision-making closer to home affect the diversity and cultural richness of your community?


When it comes to public safety, would localized strategies be more effective, in your opinion?


How might we ensure that local decision-making remains fair and inclusive for all members of the community?


Can you imagine the effects of community-led initiatives on your local schools?


What are your thoughts on communities creating their own environmental policies?


Would you trust your neighbors to make good decisions for your community if they were empowered to do so?


How might the ability to vote on local laws and regulations personally affect you?


What's the most frustrating decision made by distant politicians that you wish your community could tackle?


Have you ever thought about what you'd do if you had the power to implement one change in your local area?