Single-payer healthcare is a system where every citizen pays the government to provide core healthcare services for all residents. Under this system the government may provide the care themselves or pay a private healthcare provider to do so. In a single-payer system all residents receive healthcare regardless of age, income or health status. Countries with single-payer healthcare systems include the U.K., Canada, Taiwan, Israel, France, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
Yes but dental healthcare should be included
It should be already included in our taxes to receive free healthcare
Yes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone and the quality of healthcare should be increased
No, I beileve that we should have private hospital, if some people would like to use. This will most definitely release the pressure from public hospitals.
free healthcare should stay
Yes i believe it should be part of the wage system but not at a high percentage and i believe that any foreigners coming to reside in our country should also pay lump sums with their visas like the UK.
No but the government could donate a portion every year to fund that helps people with subsidised appointments and medication especially for people living below the median. Also could be used for people requiring dentistry.
Holistic healthcare should be absolutely to everyone.
i like the one we have now
We should stick with the current system however increase funding
I’m unsure what this means
Need to understand more but aim for win win
No, too expensive and not enough resources. Wait times will be long, quality of care potentially reduced
Yes, but private insurance should be tax deductible
I do not understand the meaning of this question
yes but we need to fund it properly. NZ has been betrayed by both Lab and Nats who have not funded our health care system properly. Of course we should also allow private clinics for those who want that, so long as it isnt at the expense of the public system. Its shameful what we have now, but its not because it doesnt work, its because we have had decades of political leaders who have chosen not to fund the necessary investment in health care
Should be free to everyone all the time
Yes, healthcare should be funded/subsidised by the government.
No, the current insurance system is fine. If you want to you can get a private health insurance, which still ends up being cheaper than single-payer healthcare systems, germany being a prime example. The single-payer healthcare system there costs more per month for the poorest of poor people their than the acc and a good private insurance combined in NZ. If anything people should be educated to the values of acquiring an private insurance, but if people are still to silly to use the cheap system they have here shouldn't be a reason to make everyone especially the poor about 200 dollars poorer every month.
I havno idea what a single payer health care system is
Yes allow both but the a government provided health care system must be fit for purpose, well funded and supported with enough medical, nursing and technical staff, to future proof Nz’s growing needs
Current public healthcare should be improved
Yes I agreed with this idea. However, I've doubt about how is this big lump sum of money collected being administrator.
I like our current system.
I support free public health care
As per the current situation is fine
People should not be using emergency depts as a doctors first port of call. They are for emergencies only. But free decent healthcare should be available to anyone, the system just needs improvement.
yes as in NZ we already pay our Government for this in our Taxes but they dont allocate enough to Health.
Donald trump and UK covid 19 restrictions with doctor and healthcare new Zealand the whatu ora Maori health boards
It’s free in nz lol what
Working pay compulsory CHEAP private Use both
Insurance and life being inc health professionals and paikah new Zealand limited and should ask a by inside and outside back vaccines
Yes but the situations/conditions/treatments funded should be very broad.
No, people should be encouraged to make preventative health choices and those who do should reap the benefits both physically and financially.
The repairs stepping stones make my bones wider should private involved by system to expensive as said government feedback admins
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