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Every 18 year old citizen should have to do a year of civil service - but military service should only be an option, not the only one.


Yes, but focused on military training in relation to civic services, or peace keeping


It should be a choice but I think it could provide some people with an alternative approach and view at the start of their adult life



Required service is a good idea, but it should include options other than military. e.g. Paramedic, Teaching.


2 years civil defense training spread over 5 years if leaving school under 18

 @9MLHHVNNew Zealand Firstanswered…10mos10MO

Depends on the branch. Perhaps the Cadet forces should be compulsory for minors until older age But no full military service unless in times of war or at least register similarly to how citizens must enrol to vote but don't have to actually take part in elections


Yes but 2 years service and supported financially over that time and on live on site. Also more skills and education too


Yes, for those with a criminal record and/or those who do not pursue further education or employment.


Not military service but each person wanting to study tertiary education should complete one year of voluntary work and have free education for their chosen degree.


Every 18-year-old BOY not girl, girls aren't suitable for military service. Every 18-year-old boy should have 5 years of military survive.


No, but they should have to do a year of compulsory retail or hospitality work


it should be your own choice rather if you want to join military service or not


Yes it might help to change the future of this country with all the holligans we have roaming around



For people building a criminal record & people who don't do further education or get a job.


For those who do not pursue education or work should focus on skill development



Yes but raise the age to give the individual life skills and experience to understand the world they live in


No should be a choice instead of an obligation but incentives such as free education and skill development should be implemented.



It would be good to have a year of national service, but with both military and non-military options to cater for all people.



No, and we should replace the military with a more capable Civil Defence. Young citizens may benefit from a year in Civil Defence safety and emergency management.


No. However if our country’s safety is being provoked, then we could start from a smaller time frame (e.g. four months).


Yes. 12 months of service minimum with 24 months of service for those starting a criminal record


Yes, 1 year Mandatory for all males and woman with criminal c9nvicyions that are not employed


Yes, but make it 18 months to two year’s mandatory, include longer terms for prisoners, and focus on both on military training and more focus on education and skill development, as well as compulsory for those who don’t pursue further education



Yes, but it should be at least two years in a discipline of their own choice, not specifically military


Or volunteer services in a lesser privileged country so people can see how good they have it in NZ. It should change their whole outlook on life, whinge less and make people better citizens.



Only for those who do not pursue education, employment or other ventures and with focus on education and skill development/life preparation.


Yes , for those building a criminal record, yes so long as they do not have a physical or mental or neurological disability and all should be tested as such rather than simply sent their because of their record otherwise No. But a substantial incentive should be provided for all to create more young people wanting to do it. Eg. A deposit I in a house.



Yes but with the option to serve in the military or to work in healthcare/caregiving and develop skills in either


Yes but not weapons or tactics training should be disapline, work and financial skills and fitness.

 @9C93BY3New Conservativeanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but with different areas/groups that people can join based on their skill sets. And for people with certain circumstances, they can be exempt.


jacinda ardern and new zealand prime minister of parliament can increase more gotten theirs allowed students and other wises in power is 18+ and over alcoholics and drugs and more increase divisions fired up with former uk prime minister of britain bori boy johnsons and uplifting most new zealand nationality which why mite decrease power of age and night clubs sexully unweeled with beers and hekkiones and klomes with more illness and stickless in case of busted and marijuana charges and with face charges ab odds can virus more isens but more student is university or workplace forces can harmed but right and contracted commissions is just more decrease and intermediated can uplifting gas beer bottles clean environments whole family schoolars and strangers euengemnts


No as military service should be a value based choice. Instead a 1 to 2 year Bootcamp type values/skills instilling curriculum for 16-18 yo who lack direction.



that could be a good idea for ppl building criminal records and ppl who arent pursuing anything but idk its complicated


No not everyone should have to but if are criminals maybe but make sure they have an education


No your parents should should have to agree if you want to go and you have the right to not go if you dont feel comfortable or you have a medical problem.


Compulsory one year social service after finishing high school, such as helper in hospital, nursing home, community service organization, firefighters...


3-6 months of basic training would provide valuable skills for us teenagers and would give us the life skills and discipline a lot of us lack for our age group.


It should be compulsory if they are not in school or doing tertiary education or working eg the idle 18 year olds


no optional, 6 months public service (military, fire, community program) but with an option to extend - upon completion receive credit for skill development after completion (university, trade etc. education)


No, it should be a choice not an obligation but, criminal offences with a sentence of 2+ years should be made to serve while being educated and up-skilled


Yes but have alternatives to military service e.g environmental/community services, charity organisation services, elderly/disability care and services etc.



Yes, but for only both those with a criminal record or are not seeking further education or employment.


No, they should be able to choose an alternative form of government/citizenship service. (not charitable-related)


No, but they should have to work a customer facing role (hospitality/retail) for minimum wage for at least a year


One year of public service (including charity, social, or emegency service)


No, Aotearoa should dissolve the military completely, and replace it with an enlarged Civil Defence department for disaster response and assistance, as part of becoming a neutral nation like Switzerland in the pacific.


No, but should be encouraged and I would perhaps support this for non-voilent offenders.


Yes, but not require dual-citizens or multi-citizens to serve in the New Zealand military if they have already been subject to conscription in said other countries. Also, there should be the option to carry out unarmed service or civil service instead of armed service.



it should not be compulsory but it should be encouraged to help teach the discipline and team work that we the young sorely lack. those with criminal records for violent offending should be excluded and locked up for much longer.


It should be broadened to government/council service - not all people are suitable for military service. On completion of education, if a person does not have work of some kind lined up, they should be signedup for this program.


Criminal records and probation with community services and inc increase process inc by new Zealand police and connection officers


Increase with employees by child welfare and under Europe rules is inc with new Zealand first party


Yes, but for those who who do not wish to pursue further education and employment but instead of military training, more focus on education and skill development.


It would be a great kick off for the nation and from what I’ve discovered it would help out put people into their positions and sort them out but there many other beneficial reasons too especially now days - globally.


Yes a 1 - 2 year compulsory service either Civil or Military, with exceptions made for those entering tertiary education or already in the workforce. Training in trades, IT, and communications essential part of this so that people leave with employable skills etc.


Yes, with a choice of Civil or Military Service if Military Service training in trades, IT and communications - make allowances for people who are pursuing further education or training.


I believe any youth that has committed a crime should do boot camp or military service


How do you perceive the balance between individual freedom and civic duty when considering a year of compulsory military service?


If given a choice, would you prefer alternative forms of national service, such as in healthcare or community work, over military service?


How might a year of mandatory service affect relationships and family planning for young adults?


Do you feel that the discipline and structure of the military could be an effective tool in shaping responsible adults, or is it too restrictive?


Would the obligation to serve in the military for a year influence your voting decisions or political involvement?


In what ways do you think requiring a year of military service might change your perspective on global conflicts and national security?


How do you think mandatory military service at 18 could affect the sense of national identity and unity among young people?


Can you imagine benefits in personal growth from compulsory military service, or do you believe it would be an unnecessary hardship?


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