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 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

No, not for defence applications, but I am prepared to allow research into AI for technological reasons

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

I do not understand this issue, and will therefore not comment on it

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

Yes, and ban the use all but non-essential data and cookies from websites to function on a site level

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

Yes, I would treat them like an in-game currency and ban them from being used as legal tender

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but not subsidies, it should be outright government owned

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

No, we need to invest in freehold properties instead

 @9NRQTJL answered…4hrs4H

No, not public or even private property. But we need to definitely increase social welfare spending for food, clothes, s…