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11 Replies


Agreed, there is some risk as Nz is part of the "Pasific ring of fire" which has a high risk of earthquakes, however with a proper high standard of construction this should not impact a plant. Nuclear is the best source of energy we have to date and NZ would rather create Dams for hydro power and unrecyclable wind turbines slapped everywhere which only produce a fraction of the energy a moderate sized plant would produce.


Nuclear power is dangerous and hard to predict, it's is out of control. Nuclear power was not and will never be safe.


Lmao no L bozo ur dumb


Well butter my biscuit, it's safe to say we've all got our knickers in a twist over this nuclear debate! But let's not forget, even a teapot can be dangerous if not handled right. The same goes for nuclear power. With the right safety measures and regular checks, it's like a well-trained circus lion – might seem scary, but it's under control. Now, how about we discuss the potential benefits of nuclear energy like its ability to generate electricity with zero carbon emissions?

 @9G3BRZK agreed…7mos7MO

We may have better equipment but if we allow for the idea that what can happen will happen and add in the human error factor then we can agree that complacency will be the downfall . On saying this I believe nuclear power is the best source of power going forward .


Nuclear energy is dangerous as is shown in Chernobyl and Fukishima when its out of control it is difficult to contain


We have a point of difference to other countries and to be nuclear free is to also be free of the risks of nuclear energy


This doesn’t counteract the damage that can be done if something were to go wrong again, despite new technologies. Modern technology seems to go wrong more often than we think. & Nuclear? NO WAY!


The funding for this is too much that should be spent on the people though it might help it would cause outrage and protest it is mostly about the rioters that may cause violence so I am neutral on this debate

 @9G37B5F disagreed…7mos7MO

were seen as a green country and by adding this will somewhat lower our status of being green, along with all the pollution that is only getting worse.


nuclear should be allowed as it is a clean energy source and powers heaps of houses without killing anyone unless meltdown


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