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2 Replies


yes if it is safely controlled away from major cities or places with high population and they can practically guarantee that it won't fail


Yes, but it has to be heavily regulated and monitored and made sure that no one is around to be harmed

 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

The right wings publics geothermal energy with by legal legend former US president Donald Trump and uk prime minister Boris Johnson issue more about clears environment


Small modular reactors (unable to melt down), become a research nation into a viable molten salt reactor.

 @9G6SB84from Guam answered…6mos6MO

Hydrogen and free energy from the quantum level is close. This should be harneesed for future of humanity.


Absolutely yes. Nuclear now documentry explains this. It is the only way to combat carbon cuts efficinently


I dont mind other countries using it. I wouldnt want to live in a country where it was in use though.


not in new zealand where nuclear power is considerably more dangerous due to seismic activity


Yes, I support the use and research of nuclear energy, but see no need for the standard reactor types in NZ - we're simply too small, and the risk is too great. Research should be encouraged, and recent smaller design concepts should be considered though.


 @9FBB8VSOpportunities answered…7mos7MO

No, but not because it is necessarily bad, but at this point we have plenty of other cleaner alternatives with excess power


No, not in New Zealand, because of our unique history of being anti-nuclear.


No, New Zealand could meet its energy requirements through renewable sources and is at high risk of natural disasters which could compromise a reactor


yes, but only if they use it at an isolated and safe place away from natural disatsers.

 @9F7D2R6New Zealand Loyalanswered…8mos8MO

Windmills should be banned as they are not clean, and are just a money laundering scheme


Yes, with the caveat that there should be careful regulation. Disposal of nuclear waste must be done in a sustainable manner.




Depending on what it is used for, though sustainability-wise, I am all for pushing newer, cleaner alternative powers/resources.


Yes, but seems unnessary in New Zealand where we have an abundance of renewable alternatives


Yes, provided there are adequate safety measures to cope with thr risks of earthquakes and there is a clear and safe plan for the disposal of nuclear waste

 @9F5QJ67New Zealand Loyalanswered…8mos8MO

No, we should invest in other alternatives such as hydroelectric, geothermal and if financially viable, efficient use of coal and gas




 @9F4GXS4New Nationanswered…8mos8MO

More hydro, we have so many hydro projects cancelled because of fish We can breed and release more fish


I think if we can find a safe way to do this it would be beneficial. However, we would need to have a thorough review as no one wants a Fukushima


If we are talking about thorium reactors that can't blow up or be weaponized , then yep. We have too many earthquakes for a traditional nuclear fission reactors.


Yes, but not in high-risk earthquake areas and with very high regulatory safety standards


In New Zealand's context, no, as we have sufficient natural resources to be able to meet the demand of the country from renewable alternatives.



Yes, but should invest in research first so it can be used in a safe way


Coal can work i u recycle staem an off products to create energy in other ways there is alot of info about look it up u guys should already have all the best answers for all these quistions if ur thoughts wer filterd through ur heart an not ur wallet


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