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Putin can nor be trusted. Ukraine deserves oyr support. Nato: if you dont understand the need gor NATO, go ask the Baltic states, Finland , and former Warshaw pact countries. They will remind you of why Russian expansion neess to be kept in check


Especially due to the fact that we are going to be entering a world in the next 30 years where I think we are going to be drawing up a few more battle lines, and considering that this is one of the largest wars that's occurred in Europe in the last 100 years, using NATO the way that it was intended to be used (literally the way it was intended to be used protecting Sovereign Nations against imperialist expansionism from Russia, and in some cases China)is a good idea. We can think about NATO being a system to prevent expansionism from China although they're unlikely to do it militarily. I think it's incredibly important that we allow and foster those democracies in those threatened countries to provide those people with some level of self-determinism that they would be denied otherwise.


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