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If you are physically able to work you work.
Unless deemed unfit for work there is no excuse.
More support is needed for sickness benefits and pensioners who have contributed thousands in tax prior.
To many young able people who have never paid a tax dollar in their life are able to go straight on it when of age when their mahi would help our economy


Unemployment or job seekers should be discontinued... put it towards pension sickness working for families and single mothers


Many people on the benefit don’t want jobs, and just stinge off our tax money. No one is monitoring that they are telling the truth or are seeking for jobs etc, it’s a joke

 @9FCHBSQNew Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

There are enough resources and support systems available, people need to understand that they need to contribute to society, not hold out their palm for handouts, people need to provide reliable evidence for their current circumstances


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