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It's far too complicated for one question - until sustainable energy can cover the flex in our energy demands and until the rest of our system is set up to support fully green energy. We can't do without unfortunately.


Only for public transport and emergency cars. Like ambulance, police cars, fire trucks ect


Yes but only because it would leave a lot of people unemployed. Alternatives should be introduced and cheap.


No, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead That is affordable for low income as well so its accessible to everyone

 @9FSJV98from answered…7mos7MO

Yes for now to avoid importing from overseas, but work on a more sustainable energy resource for the long run

 @9F8HWDSNew Zealand Loyalanswered…8mos8MO

No we shouldn't frack, there are other ways oil and minerals can be extracted ie drilling mining etc



Yes but only if NZ refines and sells it back to its ppl and not overseas and stops overseas oil coming in. Only if NZ independently supply its own oil.get rid of BP and Shell


No if there is a better alternative that is just as good amd affordable


Yes fracking isn’t much worse for environment than other forms of fossil fuel extraction, but we should transition away to renewables.


No this should be stopped ASAP. its killing the earth. i dont want Future generations to suffer because of us right now.


Yes, but only if New Zealand is positioned to profit more so than offshore interests


Yes, but the companies responsible should Effort's to reduce damage and be hevily fined if they cause large ecological damage


More effort should be made to identify potential future sites to keep in reserve to maintain fuel independence in the future


Yes, but a percentage of the profit goes into a national fund to be used for public investments.

 @9CVNVT6Labourfrom California answered…10mos10MO

 @9CH9LT7Labourfrom Virginia answered…10mos10MO


Yes, but it should be slowly fazed out as we invest in cleaner energy.


Yes, but it is a nationalised resource and private companies do not get any say its extraction

 @9BNBCKYfrom Virginia answered…1yr1Y

 @9BKVZMRfrom Virginia answered…1yr1Y


Wait until the oil wars have started and get rich, for now have a green image



Hit and gaso with provider as the government alone is apart workers and highway is in process investigation inc


Increase government alone energy euegenment by power lines belonging by new Zealand labour party inc


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