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Biological diversity: Anybody competing in competitive sport could easily be genetically better off than their competitor regardless of gender to perform in that sport. Eg tall basketball player, Olympic swimmer


That is transgender erasure, and also they have to go through rigorous testing to prove they meet the standard chemically.


If the person in question has been taking supplements for the other gender they will be around the same leval of strength and not every female/male at birth is stronger/weaker then every male/female at birth everyone is complex and diverse and should not be judged on gender alone


Biological males have higher bone density, lower body fat percentages, and a higher ratio of muscle mass relative to their body weight making them slightly less susceptible to injury. Biological males also have larger lungs and hearts drastically improving stroke volume, cardiac output, and their aerobic base compared to female athletes. Males have a higher ratio of type 2 muscle fiber than females which advantages them in sports that require explosive feats of strength or higher muscle mass. Males on average are taller which can provide an advantage with better leverages and their joint structures can further this advantage. Men also have faster reaction times compared to women. These differences might all be small but combined they have a fairly large impact on the potential performance males and females can respectively reach.


Seriously I do not need to. This has been the status quo for a very long time. It is the trans athletes who need to provide fact based evidence that they have no natural advantage over women if they want to compete against them and so far that has not gone well. How many biological female do you see lining up to compete against men??


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