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National Standards do not allow for the different rates of learning of different children, were endlessly discouraging for parents of students with high learning needs and narrowed the curriculum focus so that students weren't able to learn and engage across a broader range of areas as thoroughly leading to neglect in teaching the arts and sciences.


Re-implementing National Standards would be pushing our education system backwards. It puts more unnecessary strain on overworked teachers and stress on students. There are far better ways of monitoring and showing student progress


everyone learns differently and at different rates thus holding everyone to a national standard is not practical when wanting to increase academic and literacy levels of Nz children. Further I might be a natural at mathematics but not in english therefore I don't enjoy the subject, I don't put in He same effort leading to results that are not as good in terms of standards


Tell a 6 year old they are below standard and that is what they will believe for the rest of their life. Show a 6 year old what their next steps are and celebrate when they achieve a goal will create a life long lover of learning.


National standards don’t help children or teachers improve. They imply a fixed mindset on learners and that students should be all round amazing at everything which adults don’t have to same expectations on them


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