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100 Replies


Roads should be built to last. Use concrete instead. Take out all the speed bumps around the city and stop the reckless spending of city road features that only bottle neck traffic.


No because they already spend quite a big amount on the public transport yet it still seems to be very far behind other countries


The funding should be increased but only if it's spent on making new transportation systems such as an underground metro and trying to improve making transportation to be on time.


How would you feel if your only transportation option was public transit, and why?


I would be fine with it. This is because not ONLY would it reduce carbon emissions but it would mean more community responsibility, making sure communities work together and promote Communitarianism.


Difficult question as the government spend a lot on transport but it doesn't do anything, it gets worse. Trains and busses get cancelled, and lots of train faults. People get told to rely on public transport and they rely on it then late for errands or work.


Only if the the public transport in question actually works ! Buses do not run regularly enough and the train system is not efficient.


Yes, the public transport is horrible in NZ with bad models being used. Electric buses are to heavy for roads and destroy them so need funding there. Increase funding to build better/connected modal (ferry/train/buses) services which will draw people out of cars. Also more Freight should be transported on rail, Less trucks on the road then more small depots around the country for the rail dispatch.


No, imagine the cost for the people travelling by public transport everyday.


The environmentally friendly section must be taken into account, beyond that expansions to existing public transport should be made if possible, nothing more


Yes, I think it needs work. But not only in auckland. I would like to see improved national connections and improvements for tourism


Yes trains throughout our the country would be ideal especially for rural communities



Only the motorways that have resource consent should continue. Split the funding saved 50/50 between maintaining the existing network and public transport.


Create a more connected network so that people in rural areas, or those without a license can still travel




There’s no clear vision in regards to public transport, until it’s clear and readily accessible to all kids, parents and young children and more domant In between suburbs whats the point… not enough bus drivers, not enough safety in place for drivers and they lose their jobs if they are threatened


Hard to say, as I understand we need it more, but where I live buses etc remain empty


 @9D8KW2WGreen answered…1yr1Y


Increase for the developed… current transport is a joke and nearly none existence.


yes but fore more big picture overhauls - upgrading train network to take high speed trains


Are the amount we are already spending even being used wisely? Maybe not ask if we should spend more or less but focus on how that money is actually being used.

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Flags ups currently spents of transport legal of the prices and road be built to last with kiwi government law

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The issued of transport with invitations by mind leg thinking of end the right wings by legend former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump talk with white House


Long distance transport could be trained to the major stops and then driven onto the final destination.


yes, and then make all public transport free and easily accessible and that only happening. with the agreement of Enviromental friendly solutions even if that does mean spending more.


Only in places where it is economically viable and sensible to do so eg. where there are regular public transportation services and these are used a lot such as in cities


Yes but only if the costs for using public transport are greatly reduced and they stay regulated this way. It is so expensive.


Increase investment into pt, work in partnership with private firms (natural incentive to be better) with caveats on services provided.


I think the government and local councils should own and operate public transport in order to regulate and keep it moving


Yes, but it needs to be a futureproof transportation system that links the major cities to their surrounding suburbs and airports. People would happily pay more for a clean and efficient public transport system.

 @9FY8PTDNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

Yes provide more free transportation for all large events instead of spending time closing roads and traffic control, road cones and maintain the system to good standard


Yes for the right reasons such as trams, increase the accessibility to cheap public transportation (reduce the rates of drink driving)


Public service only works in certain areas. Down southland for example there isn't any it would cost too much. I think it needs more looking into.


Total Overhaul is needed, and aggressive spending is needed on trains/subway style transportation with bridges connecting all the broken bits of Auckland's geography. Then take cars off the road.


yes, but well thought out, long term infrastructure spending that adds economic stimulus as well as future efficiency.


This is a hard one because even thought there is a lot of public transport these days a lot of people still won’t use it for everyday travel, there’s a stigma on using public transport


Yes, but only if it goes toward environmentally friendly solution and considers communities outside of Tamaki Makaurau... there is a WHOLE nation that needs help, not just one city.


No, haven't they noticed Kiwis like their cars and that other than at peak times public transport is not well utilised




Provide a suitable option that actually suits society and not impact day to day life. Once this is satisfactory. The cost needs to be lowered as sometimes public transport costs more than driving a car


Make public transport more appealing and easily accessible to the avarage person


Yes, there is too much traffic and I feel the government is just revenue hunting... e.g Onewa road in birkenhead should be T2 not T3, this would have a much better flow down Onewa road.



Invest in public transportation systems that are more reliable and will cause shorter commuting times such as high speed rail.


Yes, but also in conjunction with building new infrastructure ie. roads and rail


Yes across cites we need fast rail transport for people and freight get cars and trucks off the road


Yes i would love public transport to be free but am uncertain about how viable this is


I live where there is no public transportation available so doesn't affect me


Yes, but more so to create future proof infrastructures for our existing and future projects. As they have poorly planned infrastructure in place currently.


Yes, but only if they can do something about the urban spread; otherwise, it would be ineffective


No, no one likes using public transport. The future is self driving cars, which will need roads!



Personally, I don't really mind either way, I don't tend to use public transport; usually on personal transport or travel on-foot.



Yes but to improve the infrastructure and have more reliable and convenient options


In Auckland and Wellington specifically yes, other smaller centres it’s hard to see much benefit


I am satisfied with the spending, bike lanes should be renamed, kiwis hate cyclist not the efficient lane put in place to keep us all safe. Great idea, New name.

 @9F3QNSWNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

Provide public transport system that works for the cities. Future planning for city networks as well as growing towns.


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