Try the political quiz

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 @9F6NLK8New Zealand Firstdisagreed…10mos10MO

Everyone should have equal right to representation. No single ethnicity should have guaranteed representation.


Everyone should have equal right to representation. No single ethnicity should have guaranteed representation.


It is inequality to not have more Maori seats considering Maori are our ancestors and they were here first


The country should be run by people based on their ability to do the job not by the colour of their skin.


Everyone should have equal right to representation. No single ethnicity should have guaranteed representation.


Everyone should have equal right to representation. No single ethnicity should have guaranteed representation.


And the fact that these three questions all focus on just a small percentage of our population has dissapointed me further. More division !


If there are special seats for Maori's then there should be special seats for other races as well otherwise it is unfair. Why should only Maori's have special seats.


It should be fair for everyone to get the seats not have a select few be able to get a easier ride because of there heritage


I dont believe that there should be specific representative structures in our government. I believe people should earn the right to enter parliment.


Disagree... one country... one rule for everyone.. everybody should be treated the purple..white. black green blue yellow... religion nationality... No one should have extra privileges because of their esnacy .. treated the same...


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