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Yes, but this should be accompanied by reduction or elimination of other taxes (such as no tax on income and dividends in KiwiSaver allowing for better compounding. Then capital gains tax when drawing in retirement. This encourages saving and allows for wealth building).



Everyone should by a 5% capital gains tax, not just targeting certain contributing members of society.


On investment properties for citizens and on properties owned by foreigners

 @9DBK32CNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

this is a complicated question. yes we need one but there has to be a high thresh hold. kiwis already get taxed a lot and have low wages, and everything is expensive! we cant have a capital gains tax that prohibit hard working people from climbing up the ladder. but if you are already excessively wealthy, or a property investor etc then yes. i dont trust this labour government to do it. it has to be target for the very wealthy, corporations etc. but not on assets that arent generating money. you might own something expensive that doesnt generate money and now you have to pay a tax on it. there needs to be rigorous public debate


Yes, for investment property, overseas investors and anyone who flips things during a certain timeframe (3 months)

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

They should overseas issues by legends former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime minister's office with investigation of ends


Yes, but only for overseas investors who buy more than 3 hectares of land and family have no relation to New Zealand


Definable for overseas investors at a high rate and building investment properties not private properties as you should be able to have 2 properties per NZ citizens only


I would prefer a wealth tax or land tax or a combination of the two and make the first 20-30,000 of income tax free


Yes, but only after a limit, eg, on the 3rd investment property or if valued over a certain amount, so small investors don't get hit.


Capital gain tax should be implemented if you have MORE THAN 1 rental. Everyone should be entitled to have at least one rental property to assist them in their retirement years, because the pension is certainly not enough. People who have a rental property have worked hard, and planned hard for their retirement years.


15% CGT would be fair for 1 or 2 investment properties. After this then it is a business and needs to be taxed accordingly.


I don't have enough knowledge about this topic ethier to make a proper statement concerning it.


Yes, and lower tax for all under $150,000 - get the tax from richer people and those gaining elsewhere


Yes, but only on short term investment. The time should matter. Hold longer = less tax or no tax


As long as losses can be claimed as well And for shares as well as investment property


Only on investment property and on foreign investors. No continuous capitals gains tax on stock market investment


Yes, on investment property and overseas investors, but not on day-to-day home owners.


Yes but only on the 3rd or more properties owned and also if those properties are sold within 3 years of purchasing


Yes but only if 2 or more owned. Allows for Owner occupied and either 1 rental or 1 holiday home.


Yes but only for people who own multiple properties, rather than the "mum and dad with a single rental and family home"


Yes, but I believe if you are not born in this country capital gains tax should be implied just for the share fact that kiwis miss out


i think if you don't own it you should not but if you have lots of money you should pay more tax for the things you own


Yes, but not for Mum&Dad investment properties trying to secure their future. Limit ownership to 4



yes, only when the gains is paid out to prevent impact on assent rich but income poor older citizens


Yes, if you have more than 3 investment properties and are an overseas investor



Yes, but not on the first home or a subsequent home i.e. holiday home and family home, but on every home after that and trusts should be looked at as well as well as families who are putting housing into their children’s names


Yes if you have more than 3 properties. Some people have a family home, an investment and a Bach. Any more than that needs to have capital gains.


All income should be taxed at the same flat rate no matter the source of the income


Yes but only on investment property and only at a flat rate of say, 10% rather than a person’s marginal tax rate.


Yes, but all other taxes and payments that have been put in place in the recent past to avoid this debate should be removed


Yes, and it's insane that a capital gains tax isn't already implemented in the country.


Yes and a cap should be placed on how many properties an individual can own



Yes on investment properties and also for houses that are built to sell for a profit but not holiday homes



Yes, for overseas investors and portfolio holders where properties aren't contributing to housing but used as accommodation e.g air bnb



Yes but only for the most wealthiest of New Zealanders and foreign investors


if people own above a certain amount of properties so that it does not target those who say own 2 homes and it's not their main business but those who have invested in many properties for financial gain


NZ already has a capital gains tax on property And there are a number loopholes to get around it


I do not have sufficient knowledge to be able ot answer this question accurately


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