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 @6HC49WDNew Zealand Firstanswered…4yrs4Y

The owners of land that receive a capital gain should be taxed to help cover the cost of infrastructure. The government should cover the bare minimum of infrastructure costs to keep housing affordable, with increased investment based on the most efficient use of that capital, near transport hubs.


While more houses need to be built, this will not solve the housing crisis entirely. All assets should be taxed, to scare off investors and property moguls who are trying to make a quick buck off the less fortunate, who will most likely be renting their whole lives due to an extortionate market.


No, we should stop urban sprawl and increase density in already populated areas.


Yes where necessary, but in consideration of need to protect green space

 @9DBK32CNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

If it is the right development. In auckland where I live for example, spreading out and building more suburbs is not the right idea. it costs a lot to build new roads and utilities to accommodate new developments that are far away from where people work, this also causes more traffic. We need to be like Europe, have a city boundary and build up in the city. But we must also keep our parks, green spaces and heritage houses and neighborhoods. we dont need to demolish mt eden and build a concrete jungle. there are plenty of places, mainly along main roads where we can build apartment buildings,…  Read more

 @9HK9YD6 answered…9mos9MO

The privacy of living independently over checked formed by legend former UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump talk with white House dramatic



DO not continue expanding when there is no infrastructure to support this. Water, waste and even health (for example; hospital in Palmerston North can not cope now!)

 @9DTLSTL answered…1yr1Y

We should limit immigration to slow down housing demand, BUT government should shrinked , taxes should be reduced & private companies should be encouraged to development of private property as well as transport.


The spending by should go to fixing what we already have not to creating new


Developers should pay a large portion of the cost and investment into roads should go to public transport instead


Yes, and decrease the number of trucks on the road by increasing the funding on rail infrastructure


Yes but private developers should pay a much higher portion and more should go to public transport and climate resilience

 @9DBL3XJLabour answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but not in Auckland. All of the money goes there and the rest of the country is forgotten.

 @8B44K4G answered…1yr1Y

No, it should support the existing infrastructure and change the way housing is built to increase the efficiency of it.


Yes, but costs of housing developments should be shared with private developers


More spending should go to projects that the Nation benefits from, main roads, water, ports and shipping


Increased spending for existing failing water, sewerage and water infrastructure


Yes, as well as regulating roading code of practice for good quality roads that will last a long time.


No, I believe it could be done with current budget but construction could be completed more effectively and in a more time efficient manner.


There should be less urban sprawl and more intensification. Focussing on building livable communities.


Yes they should. But copy Australia where private companies build infrastructure in a set timeframe before handing back to the public


No, We should limit immigration, send some people back and spend more money on flood prevention and quality materials for roads and new houses


The Government should use allocated money to projects they are allocated too



Give the reading back to the council's. That way we know that the job will be done properly rather than 4 different contractors doing a section of road


Increase spending on infrastructure to better serve the communities we already have


No, we don't need more houses. We need to update existing infrastructure first.



Yes, housing development needs infrastructure and developers should contribute significantly to the costs. Developers should also be required to build communities with parks, shopping centres etc which would be more consistent with our obligation to reduce the threat to the planet and would be a more socially and mentally healthy place for humans to live. These humans should also have adequate public transport.


yes because instead of giving the gangs five million dollars, road's, water and sewage would be more better.


We should ensure that current spending is effective and utilised correctly


No, build up instead of out and invest money into improving and maintaining current infrastructure


quarters waste water and road counselors need rebooting house and councillors rated is 100% 4.9 of re-fixing of mortgages and the heartland banking as sbs banks can increase power- with anz or asb with kept the premises decrease mite never let their their house upstill but the workplace help the transport minister of michael woods with moe decrease with maori and european english with supported living payments with more process under whanau and ora with reheated peoples request bank accounts can increase bodies elses and china decrease worried them but out of service health doctors or accidents or incidents





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