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 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

The gp of doctors invitation and then touch ends of honour legs seats legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson hoping the roles within decision


NZs health service should be publicly funded to monitor and manage health up front versus dealing with health issues and being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff which cost a whole lot more


All healthcare should be universal and open to the public. Access to healthcare shouldn't be based on income and wealth.


No, have government subsidies so that GP visits are equally affordable to all.


No, GP visits like all health services should be free and accessible to the public


No, as this will incentivise private doctors to suggest practices that will financially benefit them as opposed to being best for patient well being


No, GP visits should be free as part of a fully funded public health system


Yes, but there should be more equality in costs of initial GP visits

 @9F95WZG answered…8mos8MO


Not everyone can afford health insurance. We need more investment in public health care.




Yes but with capped visit charges. There should not be the opportunity to make more money from a person privately funded to publicly funded. In order to maintain equity in access to healthcare


All healthcare determined to be reasonably necessary should be free for NZers.


There shouldn’t be any need for health insurance. New Zealand should have a high quality free public health service. No private health at all.


Health insurance should not function in the way it does with private corporations.

 @992KJGLfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

 @97CSJS7from New York answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but regulate the costs of GP visits so that they are affordable for all


given a answer is siad development health keep ongoing that nobodies rather keep-out treatments visiting doctors is everything can deserved with tatami without children fees free to charges adults charge frees fees with community services social develops but less increase


no, gp visits are relatively cheap as it is, make people register with a gp as "walk ins" are expensive not registered patients


Yes but with regulations to help it allow GPs to provide better services for lower socioeconomic demographic patients


Gp visits should be free or subsidised by the government so this would not be needed




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