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70 Replies


No, write off a portion of a student's debt on successful completion of the course.


I believe that the tertiary education should be discounted depending on what the nation needs.
While we are lacking in nurses and doctors, there should be a government incentive for those fields.
It is about doing what is good for the country, not for individuals.


I believe tuition costs should decrease over the course duration. The last year would be free. Gives more incentive to complete their studies.


Pay the 2nd year after student has passed the first year and are more committed and have experienced a year paying their own way as they have to now after the first year



No, but too many people are convinced a Tertiary Education is necessary


First year free fees are good, as long as its equal across the board. Free for everyone. Noone gets any other exceptions. Doctor and nurse and care home assistants should get free training, or paid to train on the job.


Yes for skilled labour shortage area's e.g nursing, doctors etc but only if the candidates pass and spend 5 years in the chosen field.


No, but in the last year it could be free and the 2nd to last year 50% cheaper as an incentive to complete the course.


I believe education should be free but trades, polytechnic and other kinds of apprenticeships should be pushed just as hard


Yes free education, but if it’s a 5 year degree then they must stay in NZ for 5 years after completing their degree.


If we have a shortage of professional in an area, I believe free funding for a payback timeline



The last year of tuition should be free upon completion of degree or diploma


if someone qualifies as a doctor or nurse, wipe their fess if they stay in NZ for 3 years



Yes, but students should then be "bonded" to work in New Zealand for five years once they have qualified



No, but should not be based off parents income. Student debt should also be wiped after 3 years of working in New Zealand in their chosen field of study e.g. doctor


No but once degree completed and they have worked in NZ for 3 years in their field, e.g. their loan should be paid off for them


We should be discounting the stuff we need, so medicine should be discounted, incentivise people to become doctors and engineers.


Fees are paid off by the government after 5 years of being bonded to a workplace within NZ, and contributing to the economy.


Certain programmes like engineering and medicine should be free, other programmes should be at cost or free over the age of 35 etc...


No, but if you take a public sector job (eg public service doctor, teacher, public servant etc) get refunded one year of fees per year worked. But only for papers you passed


Yes, but only based on performance after completing first year in industries where there is a skills shortage


Tertiary education should not be used to make profit. It’s to help advance people in there area to of study and any money made should be taken off tuition fees




There should be no interest charged on tertiary fees, interest free loans for a 15 year term. You're crippling a generation, there should also be subsidies for those that are performing well.


Yes, but only for courses/papers in which the student attains a passing grade.


Yes, for skills that where there is a shortage and tertiary education is mandatory.


No, but student numbers should be decreased by higher entry standards, and those that achieve highly get some of the costs returned.



They should make the final year of study fees free, not the first so there is an incentive to finish your degree. Not just stuff around in the first year. Allowances need to be available for everyone, not means tested


No but schemes should be available to wipe loans for those who stay in their chosen field


Students should be allowed the same costs as afforded to someone on the unemployment benefit to support them as the cost of tuition and the cost of living has become unaffordable for the majority of students at university.


Students should pay the tuition fees, then at the end of the year the fees can be rebated back to the student if they have passed their course


Fees reimbursed for needed professionals - eg doctors, nurses teachers if they bond for equivalent duration.


Assistance for low income and possible a free year on completion or rebate if stay in NZ.



No but more tax breaks for those who stay in nz. Eg doctors who stay and work in rural areas for up to 5 years get large amounts removed from their bill


No. Tertiary education has suffered from saturation leading to low quality output of students with significant debt. Universities should align with country requirements on a needs-analysis basis


Interest free loan which is cleared with qualification and 2 years of employment in that field


Again 80k cut off and no study assistance when wages are going up that is a low cut off, unless you are maori then you can get a grant not means tested, people say just say you are maori, not so easy for citizens that have migrated here. Racial discrimination.


Free study but force graduates to stay in NZ for X amount of years so they can give back to the country.


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